I don't understand why they are scared. Even though the writing style can be copied easily the content, creativity and structure of the story is a whole other thing. It will never match 1:1.
I don't see anything hurting individual human creativity long-term. 'Good' stuff will sell, no matter if you use AI or not. And it's a choice, not an obligation, to use it.
If people feel like they are forced to use it because of its higher output, it's not a problem of AI, but of capitalism.
The problem on why so in its current state won't match the human creativity is that the generative models aren't really generative, more like compilational. They can't generate anything special, they can't create new genre, artstyle, etc. It would require a GAI to do that, and we are one of even a few revolutions apart from it.
It's not really about being scared. It's about having their works used commercially without a license to do so. OpenAI is selling a tool that can "write in the style of George RR Martin", trained on his works, and yet he wasn't asked or paid for that.
They're obviously scared they're not gonna get payed for nothing anymore. And they are scared they will be 100% replaceable. I don't think the last part is reasonable.
Imo they should pay authors who contribute in the datasets. But besides that there shouldn't be any copyright on writing/drawing styles whatsoever.
OpenAI sucks at writing fiction, it's actually kind of hilarious I recommend trying it. There are other AI tools that are better for it but i forgot the name of it though.
its actually kind of funny, for a laugh. can it write a whole novel with structure, well developed characters and create a world from scratch like GRRM can? fuck no. George is being a bit silly here tbh.
Is GRRM afraid an AI is going to write an actual ending to his books that is better than anything he's tried to come up with? Maybe if you don't want AI upstaging you, you should write better.
Lol, came here to make the same comment. However I think the heart of the lawsuit is different, chatgpt will essentially copy works of fiction in the replies if you prompt it the right way. It's a tough case because AI has no understanding of when they are committing copyright infringement. Ironically it appears that copyright an privacy lawsuits will be what slows the development of ai tools, not regulation.