Star Citizen’s long-running development has inched forward yet again, this time to Alpha 3.20 stage.
Over $600 Million Later, Star Citizen Is Now at the Alpha 3.20 Stage::Star Citizen’s long-running development has inched forward yet again, this time to Alpha 3.20 stage.
I think it's incompetence really. They've basically started over on shit multiple times. It's sort of that perfect is the enemy of good mantra at work. They're never going to finish it.
This is exactly it. They're continously pumping out content and updates; no scam would put in this much effort. But most of the effort is deeply ineffectual. It's obvious that there's some serious lack of organisation. They're trying their best, but their best just sucks (and that's not a dig at the people doing the grunt work, it's clear that they're very talented).
I think that they're making perfect the enemy of good...and they can because people keep throwing money at them. Most dev teams don't have that luxury.
They had a free week recently. But it ended up taking almost the entire week to actually successfully install and launch it. So I played it for maybe 5min
I'm just super curious at to what $600m would get me. Maybe suckering people into paying for it out of curiousity was their genius business plan along though.
This is still a glorified tech demo and a walking simulator with ships. Gunplay is pretty sad,pvp is out of the question with that performance, gameplay loops are either bugged to hell or boring as hell.
Instead of adding more ships they should be focusing on polishing and improving what they currently have at least. It's sad really.
Just as an example, I played a mobile game for a while. F2P was an option, and some players did that just fine. Some put maybe $10 in just to get the ads and annoyances to go away.
Then there was one specific user, who spent so much money on the game, he got banned more than once for having more of different kinds of resources that would normally be impossible to get in that quantity. They spent tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars on a mobile game.
They then quit, because they reached the point where they could no longer progress. Not because of another paywall, but because the game literally could not function at the level he pushed it from a resource standpoint.
My man I just quickly crunched some numbers to find a average, of course you have variance in the spending habits of players from person to person.
Crazy that people can throw money away like you described though, they must live in a totally different world than most people. And getting banned for having more resources is honestly the funniest thing to happen from dumping money into a f2p game.
AFAIK all ships can/will be purchasable with in game currency, but they're available to backers for IRL monies during development. Been a while since I played but that's how I remember it!
This is correct. Everything is buyable with in game money. You can also rent ships in game, so if you want to get into something like, say, mining, you can rent a mining ship and then use it to earn enough to buy one.
Playing starfield vindicated the development of Star Citizen. I eventually stopped playing sf after 30 hours to go back to sc because I feel more enjoyment in the immersion given to me.
"Immersion" when every NPC stands around doing nothing in a t-pose and some of them sit half in the ground.
Not really sure where you got immersion from. The entire city is also just a prop on planets you can't really interact with (except the space port part).
Should see 4.0 soon bringing some of the last big architecture needed for the full universe
This game is taking so long because they are leading the way in this field of technology. What they are building has substantial technological hurdles - not just basic game design
Yeah, for a space sim those spaceships are awfully expensive... considering you pay with actual money. I like my games to be fun, Not ever-expanding money sinks.
Nice try Chris. You can't puff up a substandard product without admitting you've done such a bad job at so many aspects of this scam that you've had to redo, like, all of it
Note: I do not blame you, you are raking in mucho bucks with no end in sight to the gravy train. Keep chugging!