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RPGs as Sense Making RPGs as Sense Making

One of the worst aspects of modern life - and a tendency which I very often find myself displaying to my own immsense chagrin - is the way i...

Reading and playing [RPGs] literally helps us to understand the world, in the truest sense, better. And this in turn means that those of us who are engaged in the hobby, as with all hobbies, are engaged in a pursuit of "sense making" that is much more significant - and useful - than a million Sam Harris podcasts or Substack newsletters (and which is all the more profound for the fact that it is entirely implicit and unintentional).

I'm not really convinced of this thesis. It eschews logic too easily. Logic is for exampled experienced in the system rules of an RPG. Their formality enables people to agree on them. That is a very useful part of sense-making. Great that RPGs provide for both, no matter which one is more relevant. :)