Holy shit Thrawns Night Troopers were fucking wild. I never knew the imperial
Aesthetic would mesh so well with like dark fantasy Roman Empire like wtf haha
Baylan is easily the most interesting character to come out of Star Wars in a while and I'm terribly disappointed that this season will be his only live-action appearance. I agree with everything he said in this episode about the Jedi Order and the cyclical nature of the Star Wars universe. He reminds me of Kreia, but not an asshole and with (seemingly) better intentions. Ultimately he's probably learned the wrong lessons from the Order's fall, but so far, he isn't really wrong.
He was so great in "Rome." I like that trope of the old warrior, disillusioned with the people he fought for. Kind of a, Jedi Smedley Butler.
So sad that he missed out on the career resurgence he was about to experience.
At least he's immortal. Like all actors captured on film.
Those Night Troopers look so cool. If I'm not mistaken, there are heavy Japanese influences, their armor wrapped in red cloth and mended with gold, a practice called kintsugi the Japanese use with broken pottery.
Thrawn has to accept that his troopers aren't going to be wearing mint condition armor (even Thrawn's outfit is a bit threadbare in places) but he absolutely will not under any circumstances allow them to not look stylish.
Diggin' the guy with the "300/Immortal's" mask.
Thought it might be Ezra Bridger for a split second. This is how bad I've been influenced by that, "Any click is a good click.' crowd. Who say the dumbest scat possible to engender a thousand angry clicks. Because, 'Any click is a good click."
I thought that was a great touch. The main galaxy had some influences with samurai, especially Vader's suit, but having this galaxy's characters dressed in more traditional outfits, it really does set it as a place a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
The kintsugi armor design of the troopers, "something beautiful rising from the rubble" or "the imperfections make it more beautiful" is an interesting twist on the design.
Coffin shapes would seem to back that up. Must have missed the line. Interesting that Skoll seems to think that there's something on the planet that the witches are afraid of.
So atmospheric. They really did a great job creating a galaxy that has evolved very separately from the one we know.
I love that they brought back the Nightsisters. It was a shame to kill them off. I’m happy we may get more Nightsister stories in the future.
I love the lore they’re establishing with the purrgil and the witches who rode them before time had numbers. I’m wondering how much it’ll play into Dawn of the Jedi.
Thrawn's lines in this episode have me kind of worried they're gonna make him comically evil like in Rebels and discard the Grysk, Vanto, and Ascendancy plot lines. I hope I'm wrong, because I'd really like some follow up there.
Bit disappointed in the 'other galaxy', and the lack of effort to make it feel different. Especially the local raiders being basically tuskans, using the same energy rifles as the main galaxy, more sisters of dathomir just with a different name and they still know of and care about the jedi.
Would really have liked it to feel more distinct from the star wars galaxy, like it had a truely separate history, and not just like another planet.
This episode had a lot of positives though, more insight into Balen's motives and the new storm trooper armour was great.
I really enjoyed the last few episodes but I think Ahsoka is still a bit to much Jedi for my liking and lacks a believable motivation. I just can't fully understand her fear of Thrawn. Judging from the end of Rebels she should be a lot more understanding for Sabine not wanting to give up Ezra especially in the face of Thrawn being a very abstract and hypothetical thread.