Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter/X, is floating an idea that he's had before to remedy the problem of social media bots: charging people to use social media.
Ask him 'how much he thinks each tweet costs twitter?'
He'll have an analyst run the numbers. After a few months it'll bother him so much he'll come back with the idea that it should be charge per tweet. Works like a charm.
If you move to a price per tweet, you're getting close to just doing it on something like Ethereum with rollups.
That would be truly free speech and uncensorable if that's truly what he wanted (it isnt)
But the last thing he wants is to convince people on a price per message model as getting people used to that will make it that much easier to migrate one day in the future to something blockchain based.
I don't think it'd be the same problem with a monthly sub, just per tweet.
Edit: and yes, he should totally do it, either way it'll fuck twitter in the short or long term.
Free speech as in no one can prevent you from saying it and you can literally say anything you want.
Social media online isn't free. You pay to use twitter for "free" by being advertised to and having your information sold. There's more to cost than $$$. Think of it like bartering. Here's my info, give me access to speech. People are just oblivious to the deal they made or find it an acceptable trade.
Except on twitter, Elon can censor you on a whim, for good or bad reasons out of your control.
No one can censor or prevent you from speaking on a blockchain as long as you're free in the first place.
Edit: The only way to say something and have no transaction that ultimately results in money being involved in the chain, and/or be at the whim of someone for having access to say it, is to use your mouth. The internet costs money. It ultimately costs money to talk on the internet.