How to Cool Down a City | Singapore is rethinking its sweltering urban areas to dampen the effects of climate change. Can it be a model?
How to Cool Down a City | Singapore is rethinking its sweltering urban areas to dampen the effects of climate change. Can it be a model? How to Cool Down a City
Singapore is rethinking its sweltering urban areas to dampen the effects of climate change. Can it be a model?

It would be great to treat trees and green space as infrastructure instead of an expense. The values provided by then has been overlooked and the true expensive has been hidden
7 0 ReplyMonkderZweite Can it be a model?
We do that for years already in europe.
6 0 Replyfr0g What do you mean by that?
3 0 ReplyMonkderZweite Planting trees and so on, (re)planning cities with hot summers in mind.
7 0 Reply
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