More like a long but tormented life of barely subsisting on the smallest amounts of water possible.
Death is too sweet and quick for my houseplants :)10 0 Replydan1101
Plants call her the green widow.
9 1 ReplyPorto881
Me hitting on women at the bar on a Monday
9 1 ReplyGanesh Venugopal 9 0 Replyrbhfd I was gonna say something like "me adopting cats", but you already topped it.
3 0 ReplyPorto881
Shane Dawson moment
3 0 Reply
Thanks OP for reminding me to water my plants
6 0 ReplyTrustingZebra My family offered to give me plants for my apartment. I said please no. It's too much responsibility and I'll know I'll forget.
I prefer dogs. They at least can bark when they need something. Plants don't.
6 0 ReplyCoderKat
Lol yeah. My cat will never let me forget to feed her. But I've killed so many plants. If I'm late with feeding my cat, I feel really bad about it. When the plants die because I thought I'd give gardening another go, I kinda just... don't feel anything.
2 0 Reply
ThePyroPython I mean, if you give this a long enough timeframe (decades) then this also applies to when you meet your future spouse at the bar.
5 0 ReplyPfnic I mean this applies to pets too
4 0 ReplyThrowawayPermanente Your journey to Valhalla will be arduous, Basil The Thirsty
4 0 Replyrayyyy Tendency to overwater (non-chlorinated) and little sun - lucky bamboo
2 0 ReplyPM_ME_FEET_PICS Your first issue is that those are outdoor plants. They probably need 6-8 hours of direct sun.
1 0 Replydangblingus Is this AI?
1 0 ReplyMxM111
Came back? The lady goes shopping with her own plants?
1 1 Reply