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Russia convicts pregnant woman to 6 years in prison of failing to show up for military service Russia convicts pregnant woman of failing to show up for military service — Meduza

A military court in Vladikavkaz has found Corporal Madina Kabaloyeva guilty of failing to report for military service during mobilization, making her the first woman to be convicted for this offense.

Russia convicts pregnant woman of failing to show up for military service — Meduza

According to the newspaper Kommersant, Corporal Madina Kabaloyeva received an official recommendation from her military unit’s medical company that she be temporarily exempted from military service due to the fact that she was pregnant and had a young child. However, this wasn’t sufficient to shield her from criminal charges when she failed to report to her unit’s leadership.

The court sentenced Kabaloyeva to six years in prison but deferred the sentence until 2032 due to her young child.