My first attempt at Japanese pancakes. The secret ingredient is anxiety!
My first attempt at Japanese pancakes. The secret ingredient is anxiety!
My first attempt at Japanese pancakes. The secret ingredient is anxiety!
Complete with “finger in shot”
Oooh I've never tried making pancakes doigt sur la photo. How was it?
Good. I got some rings that are nearly 2” tall and having super thick ones was a let better. It’s eggier than normal pancakes, but the additional ingredients and prep really gives it a rich taste.
aren't Japanese pancakes souffle style that are usually cooked in a rice cooker? still looks great! you give me sweet gluten and im happy
There are a number of ways to cook them, but enclosed (like a rice cooker) is a popular one.
Does it need to be fresh anxiety or if I've got some I've been holding onto for a while will that also work?
Any anxiety will work, but the self doubt variety is what I used
It’s tastier with age, like a fine wine
Ooo..anxiety makes things chewy. Or maybe I'm just grinding my teeth.
I’d eat that!
Did you cut them with a ring mold?
I cooked them with a silicon ring, no cutting needed
Oh. I was expecting Okonomiyaki.
Looks excellent.
Looks like a normal pancake tbh. Nice try!
Yeah, the height wasn’t amazing. The stack is about 3” though
"If only I could be so grossly light and fluffy" - Solaire of Hot Cakes
Looks great!