Im not sure why, but making the swap to linux has made me play more if my games.
So I swapped over to Pop!_os a couple of weeks ago, having never used Linux in my life. Honestly I blame Lemmy, but I am good with it. It has been a fantastic change.
During this swap - I was trying to find some games to install. I guess this forced me to re-assess my digital collection and rediscover things.
I started playing slay the spire, control, guild wars 2, against the storm, path of exile, caves of qud, and just so many other things I forgot I had or moved on from.
Anyway - just an observation that Linux has somehow managed to rekindle the gamer in me after a stressful last year.
Anyway, thats all. Thanks to all of y'all for helping me troubleshoot everything.
Literally same. Changed my daily driver from windows a year or so ago and its been night and day.
Having to be intentional about acquiring games and getting them running with proton/lutris (not too much work these days thanks to Valve and GloriousEggroll) made me less of a collector and much more focused on what I want to play. Which means I play a lot more. Also this year has had some phenominal titles for indie and AAA.
Not sure how to put it on a Mac, but I don't think any os is better than others. Windows, Linux, and MacOS to me is just like picking a flavor of ice cream. They all do the job, but what are you willing to tolerate?
Now I know that's over simplified but that's really how I look at it.
I remember few years ago (or like 5 years ago) when I was switching to windows on and off. Maximum of 1 year I switch to Linux, in a few months I switch back.
Thanks to Steam contribution (and all the devs at winehq/dxvk), I stayed on Linux for more than a year and not planning to swith back. My favorite fps game is insurgency sandstorm.:) works great on Linux