Forgive me if this question is a bit silly, or conceptually incorrect (I’m not fully across how the APIs work and effect ChatGPT implementations etc).
I’m looking for a ChatGPT (or similar) desktop app. HemulGM’s ChatGPT app is tempting, especially because it seems to include/support DALL-E and GPT-3 and -4, but I haven’t found much discussion online from users. My biggest concern is security…I chickened out before running the .exe due to Windows’ “unknown dev” warning, and because the dev’s website is a .ru address (hate to say it, but that’s a yellow flag for me in today’s cyber climate).
Does anyone have any thoughts or experience with this particular desktop app? Or better alternatives? Ideally free and open-source, but I know that may be asking a lot and I’m open to suggestions.
The web app is great and I’ll definitely keep using it, but I was after something with decent UI/UX that runs locally / offline (which I foolishly didn’t mention in my OP).
"Runs locally" is a very different requirement and not one you'll likely be able to find anything for. There are smaller open source LLMs but if you are looking for GPT-4 level performance your device will not be able to handle it. Llama is probably your best bet, but unless you have more VRAM than any consumer gpu currently does , you'll have to go with lower size models which have lower quality output.
You can study the source code and build this client yourself. To do this, just install a free version of the development environment and install a couple of free packages from the package manager.
P.S. And you shouldn’t think that everyone is telling you the absolute truth. With the same success, it could be a purely American repository owned by an attacker. And the fact that I’m Russian doesn’t bother me. I don't agree with what my government is doing, but it doesn't matter.
And one more interesting fact. If you place an application in Program Files, then upon startup there will be no notifications about an unsigned application. Most software in the world does not have a signature (including mine)