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Favorite Spaceships

What are your favorite spaceships from science fiction shows, movies, games, comics, anime or anything?

The Swordfish from Cowboy Bebop is probably my top favorite. I like the idea of small compact ships meant for a single person and going fast.

For that same reason I love the Razorback from The Expanse. Except the engine to ship ratio in this universe probably makes more sense realistically. The cockpit 360 swivel system is also really clever.

The Outlaw Star from.. Outlaw Star is not a small ship. I just like it because it looks cool despite its goofy unrealistic grapple arms that hold weapons.

  • I always liked the designs of the ships in Babylon 5 as each culture had a distinctive aesthetic that told you a bit about them - human craft were chunky and practical, Minbari ships were elegant, Vorlon vessels were organic, etc.

    • Earth's Omega -class destroyer was and still is supremely cool to me. Also the utilitarian and cobbled together look or Narn ships had its appeal.

      • Earth’s Omega -class destroyer was and still is supremely cool to me.

        They always have me chills when they dropped in as you knew shit was going to go down.

        The ships the humans develop in Stargate seem to owe a debt to the Omega-class but it may just be that it follows the same design thinking - we'd likely start off making things a bit utilitarian at first.

        Also the utilitarian and cobbled together look or Narn ships had its appeal.

        And they had great markings on them - it reflected their warrior culture, where the Centauri were a little more ostentatious.

    • Earth's Omega -class destroyer was and still is supremely cool to me. Also the utilitarian and cobbled together look or Narn ships had its appeal.

  • I really like the ship designs of Legend of the Galactic Heroes

    Especially the flagship Brünhild

  • Maybe it's because I'm old, but BSG's vipers.

    Oh, and the Lexx!

    • Lexx!

      We need more bug-ships in modern sci-fi. Dune's thopters don't quite do it for me.

  • Maybe this says a little too much about me, but I love the personification and romanticism of Firefly's Serenity. She's a bucket of bolts, but she's home.

  • The R-9A Arrowhead from the R-Type games. I remember thinking that the blue canopy looked so unexpected and elegant as kid.

  • From Halo, my favorite ship is probably the Heart of Midlothian, followed by the Spirit of Fire. There's something I like about the slabbed, angular bow.

    From Mass Effect, the Tempest, bar none the most attractive ship I think I've ever laid eyes on. I think she looks better when you can walk around her, it's hard to get a good angle on.

    And an odd one out, the Taiidan Destroyers from Homeworld are particularly badass, even if their gun layout is objectively hot garbage. Could say the same about most Taiidan ships, they look less functional and more like the product of an unchallenged imperial navy. Kushan vessels feel comfortably realistic but aren't visually distinct.

    (HD artwork by Jayden Morris on Artstation)

  • The black cruiser from before the fall of the Hegemony in the Hyperion Cantos tends to be the one that appears in my dreams the most, even 30 years later. Also the fucking tree ships.

  • @Izzy The generation ship Asteria from Record of a Spaceborn Few. It sticks with me because every character has a complex and touching relationship with the ship, whether as a home, an object of duty and responsibility, a idyllic myth to live up to, or an anthropological puzzle.

  • Gotta be spike’s ship from cowboy bebop. Instantly recognizable silhouette. Gorgeous design.