More companies, especially airlines, warn higher costs will eat into profits
More companies, especially airlines, warn higher costs will eat into profits
UPS and airlines are digesting big new labor deals, while Hollywood and the auto industry are at odds with unions.

Tygr Hey morons, we don’t care! Offset higher costs by reducing your idiotic compensation plans at the executive level.
63 0 Replystrawberry
but the poor execs! they work so hard, they deserve those bonuses
6 0 Replycaptainlezbian Yeah after sacrificing customers, employees, and the environment to profits for decades suck it the fuck up
4 0 Reply
Their…. Record breaking…. Profits?
46 1 Replyaksdb Stakeholder meeting: "We make lots of profit. It was the best fiscal year ever!"
Internal employee comms: "Sorry, we missed our goals this year. Therefore we don't hand out bonus payments."
20 0 Replyjusthach
No, you don't understand! If we dont increase profits year over year, this will greatly upset Mammon and, like, we can't have that!
11 0 Reply
Exadyne Boo fucking hoo! Let me play them the world's tiniest violin.
21 0 ReplySeaJ Then be okay with lower profits?
18 0 ReplyME5SENGER_24 As a customer, I don’t give two FLYING fucks about your profits.
16 0 Replyedgemaster72
Oh no!
16 0 ReplyZeroCool
"Our record breaking profits aren't record breakingly high enough"
Fuck them all. Nationalize the airlines.
15 1 Replymalloc Oh no, will somebody please think of the shareholders?!
C-level executives to employees: “we need to cut 5% of workforce to pump the stonk!!!1”
15 1 Replypaysrenttobirds If the people doing the work are "eating the profits" I feel like that's what's supposed to happen?
Where else should the profits go...
14 0 Replyathos77 Damnit, I can't find it microscopic violin!
10 0 ReplyDarkenLM How can't you see it, it's right there!
Now where have I left my sub-atomic violin?...
3 0 Reply
Lexam Snake eating it's own tail. "Rising costs" They're the ones raising the prices.
10 1 ReplyGargleblaster
First, you prove down to the penny that you're not just saying that while you profit more.
You think you can just keep pulling the same shit?
9 0 Replysin_free_for_00_days Nobody's yet mentioned their fucking stock buybacks.
8 0 Replyshininghero