In addition to that, Ernest stated that "there is no connection between reputation points and sorting algorithms. It's just info in the profile" (link)
You have to fill out form ID-10-T and then store some kinetic energy inside a box attached to a mechanical hand in an open palm position ... the box will then be shipped to the person you are "downboosting" and when they open the box, the stored kinetic energy will activate the hand and slap them in the face ... a small audio device will be installed with the package that will play the Windows logon sound bite and then announce 'YOU'VE BEEN DOWNBOOSTED'.
I almost wish reputation and things of that nature weren’t publicly visible. A huge part of Reddit that I hated, the circlejerk-y opinions and same tired lame jokes being told over and over again, were caused in large part by people seeking karma (and that’s not even addressing the actual posts, just the stuff in the comments). I would hate to see that eventually start to come back.
There’s obviously some downside to that and it probably warrants a more nuanced solution if anything.
I was thinking the same thing. I think the user curation aspect is what made Reddit so sticky compared to old-school forums where you had to wade through every comment one by one, but having a visible karma score incentivized people to try to make the number go up.
I think Goodhart's law applies, because karma is ostensibly supposed to be a measure of how good a contributor you are, but in practice it just measures how good you are at getting people to upvote you, which it turns out doesn't require you to make quality contributions.
Reddit turned into an echo chamber because of karma, people didn't want to express a different opinion than what the 'masses' have already decided on, because they would be downvoted and lose karma. The downvote feature itself being misused there too.
Reputation should be hidden or removed imo, keep the up/downs/boosts for sorting.
people didn't want to express a different opinion than what the 'masses' have already decided on, because they would be downvoted and lose karma
Critical difference. Reddit had groupthink literally enforced by the software. If you had negative karma in a subreddit and you tried to post, it would say "You are doing that too much, please wait 8 minutes to post again", even if your last post was 2 weeks ago.
I feel we still need the reputation system, based on the fact that upvotes/downvotes get abused. Everyone always wants to give their 2 cents with how they feel about a comment if it invokes something in them, and upvotes/downvotes give them that power. As long as reputation doesn't effect comment/post exposure then we should be fine.
If only the boost option exists and reputation is scrapped, I believe boost will be abused in the same manor as upvotes and downvotes do on Reddit.
Providing people with an outlet still to say "I agree with this person" or "this comment is stupid or I just don't like it" I think will help mitigate the abuse of the post exposure system.
I do agree with others thoughts that reputation on a post/comment should be invisible though.
Personally a fan of a system that only count the last 30 days. It's not permanent but still let me tell at a glance if someone is likely to be a troll.
I suggested a resetting score elsewhere in here, but I really like this system. Kinda reminds me of Steam's "recent reviews" score. Would let people have a general gist of your recent behaviour. This would allow people to get better or worse and have their score reflect that, instead of one really positive/negative post in their history skewing their score for eternity.
There are already a lot of userscripts floating around to customize the appearance of kbin, I'm sure it'll be trivial to hide the reputation score if you don't want to see it.
Bear in mind that the Fediverse is inherently transparent. Your upvotes and downvotes are broadcasted publicly via ActivityPup, so someone can come up with a way to summarize your reputation score even if your "home" instance isn't showing it to them.
If it does have to return, I'd like it to wipe regularly. Every 3 months or 6 months everyone goes back to zero. Give EVERYONE the same "badge" that just says "so and so was here in year X" or whatever and leave it at that.
Or go back to what forums did and only count post count and word count and turn those into EXP.
I actually prefer having a visible scoring system in place. Things like that can be red flags that indicate whether or not somebody is participating in a discussion in bad faith. If you take a cursory glance through somebody's profile and see that they're constantly stirring up trouble and being a bother to people, you know not to waste your energy dealing with them.
Obviously it's not a perfect solution for that situation, and doesn't apply in all scenarios (trolls can also be good karma farmers, too), but it's an extra indicator that can help determine somebody's true motives in a discussion.
Unless Ernest changed this too and I missed it, boosts still work with the microblogging portion of the fediverse, such as Mastodon. Upvotes and downvotes only interact with the “threadiverse”.
So my understanding is that boosts are now reflecting on threads as 2 upvotes, whereas on microblog posts they reflect as boosts and as 2 upvotes but only on the threadiverse sites.
Yup, boost and upvote if you want to give a bigger push to a post towards the top. Remember boosts are like retweets - they're public and will show up on your profile in the boosts section.
This might be a really stupid question, but does that mean we can give a post or comment 3 points with a boost and upvote? Or does the boost account for that so a post will only get 2 points at most?
this just makes it a 2 step hassle to properly upvote something, and skews everything upward since you can either give something +3 or -1. Scores will reflect popularity more than general quality consensus.
Scores will reflect popularity more than general quality consensus.
I think that's just an unavoidable consequence of having a forum that allows for voting like this. Even on Reddit, very few people upvoted/downvoted according to the "official" guidelines (based on whether or not a post was of quality/contributed to the discussion) and instead just upvoted what they thought was funny or downvoted what they disagreed with.
That's a people issue more than it is a UI/UX issue.
Im not talking about any guidelines, just barebones I like this or I dislike this. With this setup most people could dislike something and it still have a very positive score.
Why do you think we need to prevent people from boosting? Boost has more functions than just "super upvote," and a basic understanding of the system will make it clear that you'll be hitting them in different situations.