yeah but to know what sins actually are you gotta read the bible, and ain't no christian got time for that! Easier to just let Fox tell us what our religion says is good or bad.
None of the above: I'm a surgical tech, my role is to get the instruments, supplies, and equipment needed for a surgery; establish sterile fields and get those instruments etc on them in a sterile way; facilitate the actual surgery by making sure the surgeon never has idle hands (we have to know the surgeries well enough to anticipate what instrument the surgeon will want in each step), and get the room turned over for the next case.
It's a cool job, but the pay's kinda shit, so I don't recommend it as anything other than a stepping stone to something like nursing, which is what I'm currently working toward.
Neither of those are sin, Christians just don't understand what sin is, the word itself means "to miss the mark" how is being gay missing the mark? It's not, it only used to be because being gay basically sentenced your entire family to starvation, last I checked your kin aren't starving to death because you have a partner are they? Also Jesus would prefer you be an athiest than a false Christian. Everyone is saved anyway so even 'belief' isn't necessary to be resurrected in the kingdom on earth.
During covid, I had one teensy moment of not being careful with myself, and I think I spread the virus. Down the line, I'm told someone died from it. I consider myself a woman of faith, and to this day, the idea I caused a death still terrifies me.
Well there you go, you've just defined sin(lessness)
Not everyone has the same definition though - but if you're coming from a Christian-influenced culture, that's not far off the core meaning of sin in Christianity, just with an added "easier said than done"
Sin - a deed that sky fairy says is bad and you must jump through this sky fairy’s follwers’ hoops to divest yourself of it to remain in their and sky fairy’s favor. If you don’t, you don’t get to go to sky fairy’s happy place when you die.
Being a dick - no sky fairy involved. You’re just being a dick and need to make amends if you don’t want to be perceived as a dick, or just carry on being one. No divine retribution, no hoops to jump through for Elysium.
I'm not from a religious background but I always thought sex before marriage is a sin, no? I'm not sure how in modern times sex before marriage between two consenting adults is being a dick.
In some Christianity. Many define it in terms of disobeying God, which can conflict pretty badly with the not-being-a-dick thing depending on interpretation
what i meant by sin was the most evil act , (like someone said puking on homeless person) , but i am still satisfied with the answers that you gave me about how being a atheist is considered the greatest sin , i didnt expected atheism to be such a huge sin in religion but i guess i was wrong.
you didn’t expect the complete denial of religion for oneself being a sin of following a religion??? the whole point of following a religion is following that religion. not following it is in large part a sin. of course there are exceptions, but if we are speaking about judaic religions (the most common use of the word sin), literally not following the religion is a sin.
According to the inventors of sin, sin is a crime or offense against God. If there is no deity, sin is impossible to commit. Also, they say all sin is equal: you are equally condemned for committing murder or for looking at someone lustfully. So this question, as worded, is deceptively hard to answer.
If you're asking "what's the most awesome thing you've done that people would consider a sin" well, I'd probably add to the list of people who answered with atheism, as questioning and searching for the truth is taboo in Abrahamic societies.
If you're asking "what's the most awful thing you've done?" Well, it might be somewhat tame, but I wake up in a cold sweat sometimes when I think about it. Imagine a 13-year-old kid confident of having the answers to someone's questions, when a life is on the line.
What the actual fuck lol. So if there was a situation where rape and or murder’s consequences outweigh the benifits, then you’d be ok with it? You can justify anything with that mindset.
Not just the consequences of killing someone, but in the moment, do you think you could actually do it? If your answer if yes, then I hope never to meet you.