Moving data from iCloud may need to be made easier, by EU law
Moving data from iCloud may need to be made easier, by EU law
Currently, if you’re deeply embedded in the Apple ecosystem, you likely have a huge range of data stored on iCloud...

Why only iCloud.? It isn’t much easier to move from google to iCloud.
12 0 ReplyTheCreeperFace
it's not only icloude it's a law that would apply to any cloud service but that doesn't sound click baity enough
9 0 Replygdbjr
Fair enough and I even know that is the reason. But it still annoys me. I need to work on that.
2 0 Replysky Yeah, I get they're writing from an Apple-focused perspective, but it does make it sound like the EU is targeting them specifically lol
1 0 Reply
CrashEchoes Apple Photos has one of the most convoluted libraries of any Photo DAM so this seems like a good call.
6 0 Replysadreality Ohh no, commie wants to steal my data and my wife!
1 11 Replyaeternum your comment history is a wild ride. sometimes you're sane, and other times you're batshit insane. Crazy.
1 0 Replysadreality I appreciate genuine fed back!
Some of it is heavy sarcasm such as here, otherwise likely genuine loonie bin grade content, no doubt 🫢
1 0 Reply