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  • Did you miss the part that said "I'll need a research team and 5 years?" The XKCD character did it! SUCCESS!

  • Even with AI models that can identify that there are birds in the picture. Having it decide with accuracy that the picture is of a bird is still a hard problem.

  • Computer vision was just popping off five years after that, so I would say that it is prescient.

  • Not only is this not obsolete, it's close to biographical as it closely references the first and second Artificial Intelligence Winters. The first being in the 60s. We've been working on these for a long time, so 5 years is short. It took until GPGPU to kick into full gear and some clever insights to get Deep Learning up and running (somewhat attributed to work published in 2011) to start reliably on this problem, and even that is an oversimplification of the timeline and the scope.

    Others have mentioned oddities like the difficulty of subject matter (picture contains a bird vs picture of a bird) but there are a lot harder problems that are trivial to humans and counterintuitively incredibly hard for computers.

  • I talk about this a lot. It's a conspiracy theory of mine that this comic spurred the AI image tech we have today.

  • Or just do what iNaturalist does and have the community identify the photo