Does anyone know of anyone who sells silicone masturbators, sleves, stroker, etc.? So far the only one I've ever found is the Firefly Yoni which is decent enough I guess but it was cheap and I got what I paid for. I love the material, it just isn't a great toy design. Bad dragon says they sell masturbators but they never seem to actually stock any and last I saw they haven't been accepting custom orders for a while now. BD is also super expensive from everything I've seen and I'm not a fan of some of their business practices. Outside of those there isn't much that I can find except custom toy makers which tend to also be very expensive which is understandable but keeps them outside of my price range.
I know platnum cure silicone isn't necissary for non-insertable toys but it is more durable and significantly easier to clean. I'm also just tired of shitty cheap TPR toys.
Perfect thank you. That's basically exactly what I was looking for. It's something fairly simple with a few different options for cores and without the custom manufacturer price tag.
You didn't include a location so I'm just going to give this UK seller who ships internationally I've bought from who makes great stuff called GODEMICHE, how a single couple make so many types of products is beyond my understanding but from what I bought from them I've been very happy.
I kept an eye on their drops for a few months and never saw any for sale. I guess that was a while ago at this point though, so I'll just have to start watching again.
As far as why I don't like the company, the big reason is that they have been known to steal other creators designs which is just a dick move (pun 100% intended). I don't think they do it anymore but they definitely used to and that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. They also don't give exact sizes for anything which would be fine if they weren't selling a product that is non-returnable.
I have seen that one and I've heard a lot of good things about it. It's just expensive so I've been a little hesitant to buy it. I do want to get one at some point though.
I honestly thought this was a troll comment at first but I just scrolled theough their store and it looks like they do actually sell at least 2 that are made of silicone. So thank you. I guess I hadn't checked their store in a while.
I’m curious what you found. I only found one - the alien stroker - it looks like it could be 100% silicone, but noticeably the description doesn’t clarify whether it is a blend or not. And there are 0 reviews.
FYI, if it is 100% silicone, you can boil it to clean it. If it is a blend (or not silicone at all), boiling should fuck it up.
I have looked for the same in the past but didn’t buy because after researching it didn’t sound like a silicone stroker would work well. From what I saw, silicone is just not stretchy/soft enough. Because of this a 100% silicone product is not going work well unless you can get one that is the exact right size for your dick.
I didn’t look further to see if I could find anyone making silicone strokers in a variety of diameters - I suppose that could be a solution.
If you do find something that claims to be soft, stretchy, and silicone, you should do some digging to see if the mfg is trustworthy.
All that said, if anyone has a 100% silicone stroker that does work, I’d love to hear from them!
The Firefly Yoni is 100% platinum cure silicone. As far as softness goes it is almost as soft as the TPR toys that I've had. It can't stretch quite as far as TPR without breaking but over the range that it does stretch it does so just as easily as TPR. I've litterally turned it inside out to clean it before. That was a little trickier to do than it is with TPR but it was definitely doable.