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Are you able to read in your dreams?

I ask because it's considered common knowledge that you can't but I regularly have dreams where I continue books I'm reading irl (they usually devolve into naritive nonsense over time and then sometimes to blank pages, but the actual text is definitely deciferable), text messages, computer screens, and road signs, in both lucid and regular dreams. Am I the odd man out or is it actually just something people say?

  • No. Everything just looks like complete nonsense.

    A good way to tell if you are in a dream is to look at your hands. For some reason, your brain while dreaming is a lot like a diffusion model in that it's hard for it to comprehend what a hand looks like.

  • I can't. Sometimes I have dreams where it's terribly important that I read something but even then, no. The words make no sense.

  • Sometimes I see signs I can read but that's about it.

    A while back I had an incredibly vivid dream about getting to and on the tube at King Herod station. That tube logo roundel with the name in the strike through was so, so clear and in several places in the station, along with a map of the line I could read. Upon waking I spent a good ten minutes googling it as I was so convinced it had to be a memory and was a real place.

    Books and the internet have never worked for me in dreams though and I've had plenty of dreams where I've been trying to text someone and couldn't as the keyboard was gibberish and words didn't work.

    And kinda related I suppose- I had a dream I was trying desperately to unlock my phone throughout this long adventure, and when I woke up my memory of my phone unlock glyph was fried as I'd basically overwritten it by doing it wrong so many times in the dream.

    The whole following day had me freaking out trying to unlock my phone, to the point of drawing the nine dots out in my notebook over and over and over again, trying to link them up in the way I knew had to be right but wasn't working.

    When it finally came back I realised that I'd been drawing it out mirror flipped all day. It's made me slightly uneasy ever since for some reason. It hasn't helped that I've started to notice other mirror flipped things in dreams after that too.

  • I can't think of any dream I've ever had where there was any text to even try and read. Common knowledge about "how dreams work" doesn't seem like an exact science - like you said, you can read in dreams.

    In the movie Waking Life there is a claim that you can tell if you are dreaming by trying a light switch, and that light switches don't work in dreams. I had a lucid dream where I tried it and the light switch did work. So I don't think there are any rules.

  • A technique I've used to trigger lucid dreams is by reading. If I read something, look away, and then look back in a dream it will say something different. Then I know I'm dreaming... or they've installed digital billboards.

  • I can't, though I can lucid dream. When people say "read," I feel like they're thinking of printed text but I find some I have similar problem with technology use. Like sometimes I'm trying to find something on the internet, or to show something on my phone to someone and it keeps not making sense. And I keep trying it again and again and it just get worse until I realize I'm dreaming.

  • I was reading in my last dream. I remember it well because the content was a language mess full of puns that my dream made up.

    (Something about "el ga coguLLMeli bianchi e priti de tante grosserìe"; roughly "there are black and white mushrooLLMs of many sizes/incivilities". The book in the dream was mixing Portuguese and Talian this way. If anyone wants I can narrate the dream here, but be warned that there isn't anything too interesting in it.)

  • I don't think I ever look at anything or am presented with anything that has text on it in dreams, I've never been able to try. Even when I go lucid I end up wanting to do something fun like fly or breathe underwater and never try to test the limits of the dream.

  • Yeah, at least I can remember getting a phone call and looking at my phone and reading the caller ID. I don't think it comes up much though.

    The fact that I read the caller ID and thought "oh yeah, that's my 4 year old daughter's lawyer" when I saw the name, that should have been a clue I was dreaming.

  • Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Often times, the second and third reading is different and less coherent than the first one. Sometimes, whatever I'm reading stays constant. Sometimes, I'm trying to read but it doesn't work. Either it's blurry or I see the letters scrambling around the page in front of me.

    If I remember a number or word from a dream, it's usually something another person in the dream said to me.

  • It probably happens sometimes but more often than not I cannot. The way it manifests in the dream is usually DreaMe gets distracted or is “too tired” to focus the text into something coherent. Seldom is it a case of me looking at written information and it appearing as nonsense squiggles or something of that nature. Likely a reflection of my waking life where I basically don’t read physical books at all. (Read plenty of other garbage however).