Ya know, maybe the US did it. But, (and I know this is a hot take) maybe China is lying. I know that’s crazy, because China is a bastion of truth. I know that China is known the world over for being fair and balanced. Not since George Washington and the cherry tree has there been such an honest institution as the CCP. But I also feel that they could be lying. I mean who knows.
Also, yeah? Who cares? Let's talk about the countless times Chinese agents have been caught infiltrating US systems. If we're accepting that this is just a part of spycraft in the Internet era then you don't get to removed and whine when you catch someone else doing it
Tbh, I make it a point to ignore any bad things my government does. The US is literally saving the world, obviously we should be able to spy on whoever we want.
Anyone surprised by this is kidding themselves. Only a few countries have developed sophisticated cyberattack capabilities and even fewer are actually interested in China.
Plus, ever since China went around and started executing CIA operatives in China, the US has been operating rather blind with regards to China.
Russia, North Korea, Iran have no reason to launch cyberattacks on China. Neither does Israel, really (their capability is far more oriented towards, y'know, their immediate vicinity). We're left with the US and UK, but as we all know, the UK doesn't really have international power anymore and as a result has little reason to provoke China.
China crying when the US does the same thing in return. Why does the CCP act so childish ?
No really why ? They are actively using exported digital and electronics goods to spy on everyone. They try to catch political dissidents outside their borders, spy on several government infrastructures and try to instigate a new form of colonialism in Africa, so what exactly are they crying about ?
Their whole political identity is being against the US.
Other than that, a more "adult" response would be to not immediately accuse the US of everything bad that happened.
Another problem with the CCP is that they refuse to say the truth when it isn't convenient to them, they are not transparent at all on their investigations and sources.
colonialism is when you build bridges and train stations
non-colonialism is when you have 50+ military bases scattered across a foreign continent and keep all their cash in your banks and don't allow them to even withdraw it and you assassinate the last 10 democratically elected leaders who tried to change this arrangement
Chinese foreign policy has rarely deviated from moderate, trade-oriented and relatively apolitical over the past few decades. I think the massive allocation of US taxpayer funds toward negative coverage of China has swayed your opinion to the most hawkish extreme. None of these accusations really exist outside of the anglosphere and HK/Taiwan based Sinophone disinfo networks, however most of them are widely acknowledged as crimes that the US has committed in the very recent past in some capacity.
this dude over here really had his "chinabad" switch turned on in 2018 and doesn't even realize it or remember what it was like in the before-fore times
Well, it's just common sense to treat others the same way you expect them to treat you. In a perfectmore pleasant world neither the west or china would feel the need to spy on each other, but we are where we are.
In a more pleasant world, America would've shuttered its surveillance apparatus and downcycled the embryonic military-industrial complex directly after World War 2, rather than being cartoonishly evil and inventing a new term for a 'propaganda war' with aim to snuff out the one system that presented clear opposition to the oligarchic tyranny of capital; then having a couple dozen courses of dessert stomping out every burgeoning society in the Global South looking to free themselves from the yoke. Instead, America wanted to rule the world; and thus, no one has been allowed to disarm.
I'd like to kindly inform you that our use of Timecubes is well within interdimensional regulations. It's humans who do all the crazy conspiracy ranting, that's entirely on you guys.
I mean doesn't this just mean at most, that the software used was developed by NSA? It's not like we haven't had our own shortage of government hacks in the last few years, it's not an insane notion to think somebody could use our tools to make it look like us.
Yeah, also the TikTok clones on YouTube and Instagram, and Musk's plan to make Twitter/X a WeChat clone. The Americans have been stealing tech from China for a long time now.