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What are Android's Best Weather Apps?

Ever since I started using smart phones, I have been jumping between different weather apps and have not been very satisfied with most of them. I found the apps from the big weather providers like Accuweather and Weather Channel to be bloated and distracting with advertisements and irrelevant news. The app I was closest to being satisfied with was the free version of Dark Sky, but I didn't get to enjoy it for very long since I discovered it not long before Apple acquired it. What are some of the best weather apps on Android right now?

  • Meteogram is an amazingly customizable widget-type app that shows everything you could imagine on a timeline/chart. One of my all-time favorite and most used apps. It is updated regularly, and the amount of customization is insane. It is so nice to be able to just look at a chart and instantly know everything you need to know about the upcoming hour(s) and day(s).

    I have been also been using an app called Forecaster which is pretty cool, that's more of a conventional weather app.

    My favorite radar app is MyRadar.

  • Windy has been great, it gives a really nice overview of data, and lets you pick from 5 different sources, as well as compare each source to local weather stations to figure out which had the closest predictions in the past.

  • Windy, overall, but especially for VFR forecasts, one of the few that will give cloud ceiling and visibility, and detailed winds (both on the ground and aloft, steady and gusts).

    DWD Warnwetter for rain and warnings.

  • I thought I'd heard that Weather Timeline was coming which is what I use, but it still appears to be hidden for new users. My next recommendation would be Today Weather which I've heard good things about from others.

  • Personally the BBC Weather app has always been my favourite although the default Samsung one has gotten really good, too.

  • is what use for radar. (There's an app for it too.)

    • Windy is it. Great initial view of favorites for the quick check and beautiful visualizations, but man does it get deep if you want to double click.

      For instance, a few weeks back I wanted to see why the sun looked orange and the sky was pale at 3pm, so I pulled up the particulates map. I could see a 6hr moving map of particulates making their way from Alberta CA over to the skies to my west.

      Also, they show a breakdown of all the major weather service providers' forecasts and detail which are better in which situations, helping you understand if that forecast you're planning on is really going to happen or it's just wishful thinking.

      Oh, and you can set up alerts to notify you days ahead of time if conditions are right for activities, like if it's cool enough and good enough air quality to go for a run or if the wave swells will be high for surfing or what have you.

  • This is a great weather app. I can vouch for that. I've been using it for a little while now and I really like the layout.

  • I'm using Today Weather. Great overall app in terms of UI and info.

  • I have to follow rainfall amounts for work and I use Weather Underground for the hourly precipitation estimate and 10 day look ahead. I still use Weather channel for the radar but I'm going to check out some of these to look for a better one