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Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes

  • This is a reminder that there are crazy people on the internet.

    But this is NOT a reason to have sympathy for Unity.

  • Mm, I'm curious as to what the threats actually were. I've seen people claim they got death threats because someone tweeted "kys" at them in response to their homophobic bullshit.

  • One threat, from and employee. Sigh.

    More realistic outcome - some game loving tweenage hacker does something fantastically destructive in whatever part of their infrastructure they can get into.

  • ITP: Internet dumb fucks do internet dumb shit and send to death threats.

    Comments feign an argument for hypocrisy ala “eat the reach is just as bad”

    Save yourself some brain cells and move on

  • Death threats? Really now...

    This is pathetic. Why send death threats because a company made a change to their product. Why are these people so entitled? Or maybe they just know there are no consequences to their actions so they behave in a shitty manner. If you don't like the changes then use a different product.

    • First time on the internet? That’s all they do and swat people which results in real deaths. This isn’t anything new, same ol vile behavior that police do handle and do punish for because phone lines are not secure.

  • Any time a gaming company does something stupid, leave it to gamers to out-stupid the company and prove that they deserved to get shit on in the first place