What is everyone's preferred hub? I find my myself always going to Kyovashad. It just seems more lively to me for some reason and feels "lived in." So what is everyone's go to? This a random post but I'm also trying to help drive some content and engagement here on Lemmy!
I'm a Kyovachad myself but I really wish they would've put certain things closer to the center. As a certified hoarder I need my stash and bs close to the portal and each other.
Same with Kyovashad. Feels like the city I know best and with the least amount of running around to reach vendors. Not sure if it is accurate or, but I do feel that way.
Kyovashad. I know where everything is , it has everything you need and I don’t think it’s too hard to get around.
It’s funny , I booted up D3 adventure mode for a few min to see the differences after a while with D3. The home base there was always Tristram and it’s laughable how plain and simple and lonely it is compared to even the smallest city in D4.
I usually make the effort to pull up the map and click on Cerrigar rather than quick port. All the vendors are on a more or less straight line and outside so you can mount, and I only have to remember one layout. Obol vendor is close at hand which isn’t always the case elsewhere. Downside is stash is a bit further off and inside, but that’s the main con I’ve found.
I usually go to Kyovashad, especially if I need to go to multiple vendors since they’re close together. The only time I visit the other towns is to quickly dump inventory after a dungeon or event. That poor rings vendor in Zarbinzet is probably sick of constantly buying my junk items.
Yup this is my go-to for quick inventory dump offs when running helltide's or dungeon's. Blacksmith, vendor, stash all next to each other. In and out on under 30s.
I go to Cerrigar when I need to craft, since the relevant crafting vendors are close by. Main drawback is the stash being so far away. That's not usually a big hinderence since I do all the prep work (finding good crafting candidates, grabbing appropriate aspects, and gems) in tree of whisperers.
Honestly, I just TP from the current dungeon I'm in. Pretty familiar with them all by now. The extra 5-10seconds to run to certain vendors or stash just really doesn't matter that much, imo.
Kyovoshad, don't need to look at mini map to find the vendors. Plus while I usually dislike seeing other players in what I consider a single player game, The other players make it seem busier, which feels normal for a big city.
Still playing through the campaign but Ked Bardu probably. Desert settings are always my favorite, and I wasn't quite taken with Kyovashad and (Act II's hub).
Its nice seeing the diablo community over here! I wish i could play the game, but sadly living in a 3rd world country where the price of the game is equal to around 25% of the minimum wage is hard. To top it all of, i recently had some costs because my gpu died and i had to get a new one :(
Kyovashad is easy to find on the map because it’s a larger city, and it has all the services. That was enough to start me going there, and eventually I realized that the different layouts of towns were annoying so I started relying on Kyovashad just so I know which direction to run for the Occultist, etc. I hate that there are so many towns without much character, and the service vendors could be a LOT more conveniently placed.