There was a time where getting the products off the shelves was the job of a clerk at the desk. You'd walk into the store, give the clerk your list and they'd get all the things and put them into a bag for you.
Be the change you want to see in the world! The shopping cart/parking lot affects us all. Walmart losing money on every avocado doesn't bother me at all.
In fact walmart probably doesn't care at all either, they'll take electricity over humans any day
I return my shopping cart but I couldn't give a shit less how much Walmart is losing to shoplifters.
"Oh know guys! We only made $28 million in profit this year instead of $29 million! What will we tell our investors who are each worth six times that?"
It's all fun and games until you are banned from the local grocery stores .Loss prevention is pretty good these days. It's the Internet though, they really aren't stealing. It's internet tough guy shit.
I was at one and moved an unscanned item to close to the bagging area and the screen froze then showed an areal cam of me getting too close to the bagging area.
I have had the thought when buying 2 donuts from the bakery section I could ring it up as 1, but then I realize that it might lead to trouble just to save maybe a dollar at most.
Encyclopedia: It is in fact *not* a banana. A banana is an elongated, edible fruit – botanically a berry – produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa. In some countries, bananas used for cooking may be called "plantains", distinguishing them from dessert bananas. The fruit is variable in size, color, and firmness, but is usually elongated and curved, with soft flesh rich in starch covered with a rind, which may be green, yellow, red, purple, or brown when ripe. The fruits grow upward in clusters near the top of the plant. Almost all modern edible seedless (parthenocarp) bananas come from two wild species – Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana. The scientific names of most cultivated bananas are Musa acuminata, Musa balbisiana, and Musa × paradisiaca for the hybrid Musa acuminata × M. balbisiana, depending on their genomic constitution. The old scientific name for this hybrid, Musa sapientum, is no longer used.
I agree if I was starving I would steal too but a lot of the comments in this thread are talking about stealing things that are just expensive because they're expensive
most businesses are not thieves that is such a silly way to look at the world. now if you're talking about large corporations in large enterprises I would be a little bit more understanding of your statement. when you're talking small and medium and even large size businesses it's hardly the case.
You ever buy the cheap wine, pull off the barcode and bring it back to the store, then buy the fancy expensive stuff with the cheap barcode over the top. They never notice, wine bottles all look the same to them.
When I ran the Marine Department at a major outdoor retailer, I was always fighting the warehouse team because they'd just roll out a high-end sonar unit in a cart for my people to stock and walk away, and there were people who would slap that them as shitty units from the same company, and the cashier wouldn't notice the difference between a Garmin 4CV (about $100) and a Garmin 8612 (about $5000).
In this case it doesn't, you're stealing luxury items that are playing a huge huge role in water consumption. It's like 91 liters of water per day per tree.
And an academic study focusing on global implications for water scarcity from the growth in avocado production says that that growing avocado requires “four times more water than the production of a kilo of oranges and ten times of that of a kilo of tomato”.
Oranges and tomatoes are also mostly water by weight. If you were to compare the water mass percentages of each of those fruits, you'd probably find the avocado is more efficient in calories and nutrients per water usage.
wait but would paying for it be better? does it just goes into the pocket of the store owner and gives them more motive to sell avocados? anyways i feel bad for enjoying avocados now sob
Don't feel bad, you earned it. Imagine how it's cheaper for companies to pay god knows how much on anti-theft measures instead of paying a living wage to cashiers.
ps. You should never use self checkout. We've all been tricked into thinking we can do it better/faster ourselves.
I also am particular about how I bag things. I agree with the sentiment of self checkouts being lame and taking jobs and all that jazz, but eh. There's bigger fish to fry than this one, and many people like it anyway
LOL companies actually encourage this fake bullshit. It's called "adding value to the relationship" Bet you didn't realize that someone putting your canned beans and tampons into paper bags constituted a relationship.
I use self-checkout because I have a "20% off your entire cart" coupon that I don't want to give up. When I scan it, I just put a random piece of paper into the slot so the machine registers that I put something in there. In this way, I kind of am getting paid to scan my own groceries.
ps. You should never use self checkout. We’ve all been tricked into thinking we can do it better/faster ourselves.
Fuck off, it's faster for me and I vastly prefer it. Quicker, less need to deal with other people and there's no rush to bag your stuff. If you don't want to use self-checkout then don't.
Well, I'm a former cashier and I absolutely do it faster and better than the high school seniors they underpay at my local store. Also, I caught one kid double scanning some of my stuff once. Not sure if it was intentional or just lack of attention, but after that I definitely started using self checkout exclusively.
The grocery store should also plan out my meals, drive me to their store, put the items in the cart for me, and then scan them all for me. Also they need to drive me back home instead of outsourcing that to me, and then they need to cook supper for me or they're just cheaping out.
the fuckers have cameras and "AI" detection here, if it looks and sees something it doesn't think is a banana the whole thing stops and signals a staff over. doing groceries is seriously more fucked than going through airport security now.
There is a DVR product called SaleGuard that can detect this from existing or integrated camera systems. It tends to work fairly well.
I mean, they're not gonna nab you for apples unless they get enough of a rolling tally on what you took to actually prosecute usually. That's what most corps do.
colour probably matters too. you could probably get away with something in mushroom bags (brown paper bag) but of course only worth it for things worth more than mushrooms
The ones from NCR use the camera-based 7879/7895 scales with computer vision to check that you aren't doing this. It'll take a picture and require an override where it shows that picture to the attendant.
I accidentally bought a bag of avocados for the price of 1 avocado at self checkout. I couldn't find the bag of avocados in the menu so I just selected avocado in the menu.
It turns out the bag of avocados come with a barcode to scan it 🤦
The technology exists. It isn't that difficult to implement facial tracking on security cameras and maintain a file on shoplifters. Even across multiple stores.
I can't answer your question, but it is certainly plausible.
I guess overall theft can be a burden to stores so areas where that happen more often (poorer areas I'd guess) are more burdened by that and less profitable. But of course it's not just because of a singular thing.
Looks like the main issue is that they tend to be grown in areas that may be prone to drought, so there's a concern that they may deprive the community of water.