Defederation with Instances that Allow Loli and Shota
I've been talking with, and we agreed it would be best to discuss this as a community. What are all of your thoughts on defederating instances with loli and shota? My thoughts will be posted in the comments.
Personally, I joined this instance because it hadn't defederated anything. It leaves the power to us, the users, to decide what we do or don't want to see, rather than an admin. Defederating goes against the principle of free speech, as loli/shota content, while most find it distasteful, is not illegal, at least in the US, and so it is up to the user if they want to see it or not. I'm aware that "free speech" is a loaded phrase nowadays, but it is a principle I personally believe in quite heavily. The users can decide what they want to see or not. I believe defederation should only be used for explicitly illegal content.
Same perspecitive here. Recently joined, and the main reason for choosing this instance was it hasn't defederated with anyone. While most people might be fine with defederating with these specific instances it makes it harder to choose this over any other instance that hasn't done so.
That's a fair perspective. I'm a bit more in favor of admin curation specifically because lemmy allows people to self-host, which gives the users complete control over everything in their personal instance. With larger instances with lots of people though, I think that the admins have a bit more power to curate a specific type of atmosphere or try to remove elements that they think are toxic to the community of the instance at large.
Also, in this specific case it's perhaps not illegal per say, but what happen if you federate with an instance that host illegal stuff ? Due to the way fediverse works, the illegal content may be replicated on the server you own, so you're starting to host illegal stuff on your server. I'm not a lawyer but I think you can have problems with the law for this kind of stuff. Probably you will need to prove that you've done everything you could to prevent this type of content.
Would it? Federation with vlemmy doesn't mean federation with every instance vlemmy is federated with. As long as it's not illegal where you are, you're all set on that front, and the instances that federate with us would have to federate with the other instances to get their content.