Yuzu doesn't require a switch.
You just need a switch it to dump decription keys but you can find them online pretty easily
The file are called prod.key
If you want to play the breath of the wild, it will run much better on the Wii emulator - Cemu. Also super easy to setup and you can find prepackaged on fit girl.
just reading off their site: Prerequisites
A hackable Nintendo Switch console (preferably a model that is vulnerable to the fusée-gelée exploit).
Visit Is My Switch Patched? to check if your console is not patched.
A microSD card with at least 32 GB of storage capacity. 64 GB or higher is recommended.
A USB-C to USB-A or USB-C to USB-C cable to connect your Switch to your computer.
TegraRcmGUI – Download TegraRcmGUI_v2.6_Installer.msi
ums-loader – Download ums-loader.bin
Hekate – Download hekate_ctcaer_X.X.X_Nyx_X.X.X.zip
Windows users: Also download nyx_usb_max_rate__run_only_once_per_windows_pc.reg and run it for faster transfer speeds over USB. For details, see the NOTE section in the release page.
This hekate configuration file – hekate_ipl.ini
Atmosphére – Download both atmosphere-X.X.X-master-XXXXXXXX+hbl-X.X.X+hbmenu-X.X.X.zip and fusee.bin.
Lockpick_RCM – Download Lockpick_RCM.bin
NXDumpTool – Download nxdumptool.nro
nxDumpFuse – Download win-x64.zip
TegraExplorer – Download TegraExplorer.bin
(Optional) JKSV – Download JKSV.nro
Download this homebrew application if you wish to dump your save data from your Switch to yuzu.
RCM Jig – We highly recommend one like this, but you could use any of the methods outlined here.
I want to support this. SteamDeck is amazing with enulation. Is it perfect? No! Occasional glitches and graphics issues, but a really handy and easy option.
ok, thank you. Only reason I've been asking is due to the fact that it takes over an hour to compile shaders on each boot so I thought I was missing something
Update your Yuzu application to the latest version. It stopped recompiling for me and simple just loaded the shaders on every boot of the game. Boot times into the game went from ~45s to 2s every time.
You definitely can! I'm using Yuzu on Linux with an jurassic 1050Ti and it works perfectly. I basically play Mario Kart 8 and BotW (for now, TotK in the queue) and never touched an actual Switch in person (seriously! I'm Brazilian and these things are hell expensive here).