When updating f-droid, and etar I believe is trying to update from 1.0.34 to 1.0.35, the following error shows up:
Error installing Etar - Opensource Calendar
Error - 112: The system failed to install the package because it s attempting to define a permission that is already defined by some existent package
Not sure what's going on, since there's no mention of which other package has already defined the permission Etar is trying to define. Also, 1.0.34 works fine, and what's advertised as new:
Add url field
Bug fixes
New translatios
So I don't see anything about permissions, :(
Is this happening to others? Any work around, other than waiting for the issue to go away on a future release?
Edit: There's a reported issue on Etar's github: F-Droid Version 1.0.35 Will Not Install, which seems to affect LOS, and therefore LOS for microG (what I use)
Nope, I only install F-Droid provided apps from F-Droid. When changing that, like when moving Newpipe from the F-Droid provided one to the Newpipe repo, I have to uninstall it 1st.
Now, the issue is not about signature. It's about "defining" a permission, which BTW, I can't tell what that exactly means. In my mind defining is not quite the same as trying to acquire, and the later is more reasonable for an app to me, and can't understand how come an app can define a permission. But oh well, perhaps the error message is not as accurate.
Perhaps, I just read about Obtainium, hehe. Thanks for the hint. At this point I'd like to understand what's the issue first, because I'd like to still install it from F-Droid (I would do it with obtainium that way), and I can't tell right now if the issue is on the app, or on the F-Droid build, and to me it's really curious that the error says "defining" instead of "trying to acquire", which doesn't seem like something an app would do. Perhaps it's just a F-Droid message, and not an app installing one. Can't tell. But as I'd like to keep using F-Droid, then perhaps it's good to see if it's a temporal issue just with the last release on F-Droid, that release of the app itself, or something that will remain.
BTW, I use apkgrabber for a few apps from apkmirror, and obtainium might perfectly be an option...
Edit: Just found out it's the app having issues with LOS, and therefore LOS for microG. See the edit on my original post. Thanks !
I use Obtainium for apps not on F-Droid or as a backup uploader for this type of cases. You can also try to use an alternative app for F-Droid, I usually prefer Droidi-fy,
Well, it's been filed already, and seems to be an issue only on LOS, apparently not for Android, and perhaps not other AOSP based ROMS. See F-Droid Version 1.0.35 Will Not Install
I use LOS for microG, and LOS comes with a calendar app, but it's disabled, and it hadn't given problems before. I use davx (davdroid) to sync the calendars, and Etar as the frontend/UI, which hadn't given problems so far.