Hell, I went for the longest time resisting the urge to get one, as I have a great gaming laptop (RTX 3070ti,) and eventually caved in. The draw of being able to play anywhere, anytime, plus the hype, is what eventually convinced me. The Steam Deck is pretty amazing, and worth every penny.
I am only be able to resist cause I work from home and does not have much time outside and play. But recently I am reevaluate that cause my son is slowly getting better at playing games so I really can have some side device that allows me to play on the side or together with him.
That's the precise reason I wanted one. I'm sitting at my desk for seven hours already, I don't want to spend my lesuire time there too, not I can play 4x games laying on the sofa.
I'm not personally in the market for a Steam Deck, but I am still incredibly grateful to Valve for all the work they've done to support Linux on the desktop as a byproduct.
Not really surprised tbh, Steam has pushed this thing like crazy. Good for them though. They made a great product that filled a big gap in the gaming industry and pushed others to follow. We'll see a lot of innovations in this space similar to cell phones. I'm excited by the idea that in 10-15 years I'll have a portable computer in my pocket with the same capabilities as my home machine. The future is bright.
To be fair, even if it was $, most Steam Decks costs around (or less) than one tenth of a triple A game's price. Selling hardware in this quantity is insanity.
Edit: 10 times. Not one tenth. Oops. I meant that they need to sell less than 1/10th in VOLUME to match the sum of a triple A game. And selling that much hardware is really impressive in my opinion.
Hey, if you don't mind me asking, how come you're selling? Any drawbacks of the device itself? Thinking of pulling the trigger this sale, but it's a big purchase at an awkward time of year for me money-wise.
Naw just gearing up for a big move cross country and could use the extra cash. It's a great device and I'll certainly miss it. Definitely recommend. Feel free to DM or comment with any specific questions.
Love to see the adoption. I got an Ally personally (mostly because I already had GamePass) but the more handhelds making waves is gonna be great for competition.
I'd been waiting to buy one for some time. I pre-ordered on release, but my turn came around the day I was moving, so the move took up enough that I wasn't willing to drop more.
But hey, a sale that lets me pick one up, plus a dock, for less than the price normally? I'm in.