It's funded by people who are typically Republican/Centerist donors. They're talking about possibly running Joe Manchin as a third party candidate. Aka, the whole thing is just an obvious attempt to run someone who might pull away enough votes from Biden for Trump to win again.
Manchin is a corrupt money funneling bag of shit. He has no stances, no morals, no real platform. He loves oil, coal and gas because he gets paid to. I think he has interest in a coal plant even.
He's basically Elon Musk, says some pseudo intelligent shit. No real substance. Agrees with some popular things normal politicians won't give a platform. He's just smart enough to not openly say all the crazy rich douchebag shit Elon screams from the rooftops.
There is a turning point in the lives of some people where they can decide to either stay a relatively good person who is well-liked enough to be known as that, or go balls to the wall levels of obsession with staying super relevant.
They had that one taste of fame and they just can’t let it go enough to not become the villain.
Andrew Yang now stands at that fork in his path, and the dark side is proving to be very tempting. Don’t do it, Andrew. Take a step back…history does not look fondly upon Ross Perot.
Anyone who cooperates with ‘No Labels’ at this point of US politics is a fucking traitorous shit enabling the potential end of democracy.
Maybe Biden isn’t your favourite cup of tea, but if Trump or some Trumpesque-turd get in, its fucking game over.