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OceanGate is still advertising expeditions to the Titanic wreckage on its website

OceanGate, a deep-sea adventure company, is listing two missions to the Titanic shipwreck in June 2024.

….yeah, something tells me there won’t be too many takers for those.

  • At crush depth, “limited space available” takes on a new meaning.

    • It's all a matter of perspective. When you tear down a wall in a house, you don't lose space. They gained an entire ocean worth of space, if you're a glass half-full kind of person. And to their credit, they weren't content with just half-full.

  • As a web developer, I would have been updating my resume and getting out of there, rather than worrying about the site content. Someone in C-Suite is gonna have to call the hosting provider.

  • Great! Any profit they make off them can be used toward recompensating the Coast Guard.....because of the......y'know......