The Scotty Principle (also known as The Scotty Effect or The Scotty Factor) is the technique of adding extra time to your estimates when asked how long a task will take so that you appear to be a wizard when you accomplish the task quicker than you first claimed.
We won't accept anything less than extremely fast!
It's a big difference going from a 8vCPU 8GB RAM VPS where the actual resources were likely quite over subscribed to a dedicated server with a 6c/12t Ruby Lake Xeon, 32GB RAM, 2x 512GB NVMe drives in RAID with it's own 1Gbps Public connection. From the data we have it should be sustainable with this server until about 40-50K users.
We're currently paying ~$140/month for that, and have plans in place to scale up as needed when it's needed. Over the next few days we will reopen the ability to make donations to cover the costs of operations.