Best mods for a Conjuration mage / Daedric summoner playthrough? Looking for more than just spell mods!
Hello! I've been looking for mods that help beef up a playthrough centered around a Conjuration mage with an interest in studying the planes of Oblivion, but I've been struggling to think of the right way to search for them. If I look up "Conjuration," "Summoner," or "Sorcerer" I'll mostly just get spell mods, and often specifically for necromancers rather than anything related to Daedra. If I look up "Daedric" or "Daedra," I'll mostly find things related to either Daedric Armor, the destruction of Daedra, or the worship of Daedra, when the kind of character I want to run has a more scholarly interest in the subject.
Now, spell mods are perfectly fine, of course. I've naturally installed quite a few that I intend to try out. Apocalypse, Odin, Arcanum, Flames of Coldharbor, Necrom, Dead and Daedric Guardians, an absolute slew of different Mihail mods that add both world encounters and summon spells. But I can't help but feel like I might be missing something because all the keywords I can think of related to what I'm going for tend to be specialized in different directions.
So, I figured I'd go ahead and ask in order to try to see if there's anything hidden in that weird information gap I've been struggling with. What are some good quest mods to pair with a Daedric conjurer playthrough? Armor sets? World additions? Player homes? Basically anything that gives a Conjurer something to do with all those spells, or something else to roleplay with in addition to spells. What do you all use for these kinds of playthroughs, or what would you use if you decided to start one?
I had sort of the same problem when modding my summoner/sorcerer playthrough a while back, a lot of Necromancy stuff but not as much for the Daedric side of things. Now I love me some Necromancy, but it was a little frustrating not being able to find as much love for Daedra.
Someone else could probably recommend better as my recommendations here primarily come down to spell mods, but you mentioned a scholarly interest so something I can recommend is the Spell Research mod. I can't remember much about it as I haven't played with it enabled for a while, but it adds something extra rather than just getting spell tomes the normal way.
You already mentioned Mihails mods but I did the same, just added as many Daedra as I possibly could.
Not really Daedric-themed but this one adds more immersion to the College of Winterhold and lets you do quests for every school of magic, College of Winterhold Quest Expansion.
I might be able to recommend some house mods but the ones I used on my summoner playthrough were Dunmer-themed, and I think I just ended up using JK's College of Winterhold at the end of it.
I remember seeing some vigilants fighting a xivilai in the wild, probably a feature of enhanced encounters mod, you could look into that and maybe increase the spawn chance.
With a quick search found this: It has been last updated in 2016 so be aware. Mihail and 4thunknown have some daedra creature mods you could look into (goat-monster and daedroth to name a few). As for armour there is a large quantity you can choose from (keywords: daedra, molag, necromancer)
Even if your character decides not to become a lich, the mod has a small-medium quest and new locations, which your character might still want to explore without completing.