Lemmit.online is a bot instance that copies over communities from reddit, all of the posts there are just clones from reddit posts on the corresponding subreddit (without the comments)
Would love if the geopolitics people of anime_titties could move over, a lot of them were supporting the protests and may have considered making the jump. Right now, the only geopolitics community that I have found has 3 subscribers...
Also wouldn't mind at some point to have a meta community aggregator like SubredditDrama, HobbyDrama or BestOfRedditorUpdates. It makes for excellent reading material while on the toilet.
Would love to see /r/dota2 move, but the mods there are overwhelmingly against it, and the people are split 50/50. !dota2@lemm.ee is almost exclusively populated by me
I know it's unlikely but ask historians, the moderation required is unreal. More realistic would be bestofredditorupdates for all the mindless drama reading.
A lot of fandom-specific subs! With the typical main sub/meme sub/nsfw sub trinity, I’ve seen the main subs show up here with minimal activity while the meme and nsfw subs are nowhere to be seen. A lot of the big default subs have come here, but the fandom-based subs just exist as tiny communities with several thousand times less subscribers and nowhere near enough content to regularly show up on my subscribed feed.
HFY. I just love the idea. The genre I guess? I also would love to see the old content archived. There are some treasures in there, I would hate to get lost.
The sub mod got it published and everything. The idea was to write a series of short stories involving the same character. This could easily be done here as well.
It's one of the only OC subs that I ever saw. Like the Reddit community managed (without any help from Reddit) to put a book together. I still couldn't find a hardcopy to be delivered, but at least it made me a published author theoretically.
I also miss the makemeavideogame sub, which was only active for a a few months. The idea is great, but extremely difficult to do. It was fun though.
r/badmovies <- home of truly bad cult films (think movies like The Dirtbike Kid, and not just "I just turned 14 and watched Starship Troopers for the first time and don't understand satire or who Paul Verhoeven is," which is what the sub has basically become on reddit over the past 2 years)
r/r9k <- random gay leftist memes
r/animecirclejerk <- Anime is great, but what's even better than anime is hating anime and the people who watch it for being degenerate pedophiles with poor media literacy (which is what most of them are).
r/trees <- weed lol
r/politics <- so that people who are too young to vote can share their political opinions while skimming the headlines and not reading the articles posted.
r/manga <- specifically links to new one shots and updates on when new chapters have posted, with discussions
r/selfhosted <- this one probably already exists in a few different places, I just need to find it.
r/comicbooks <- so people can complain about comic books while never actually reading any of them
r/todayilearned <- so people can spam mundane trivia from wikipedia you already know
r/amitheasshole <- so people who are assholes can try and convince other assholes online that they're not the asshole in their relationship.
r/leopardsatemyface <- for schadenfreude
r/EnoughMuskSpam <- a place for people who hate Elon Musk and other annoying billionaires to gather.
r/abrathatfits - those folks took it to 11 for helping people find the best fitting bras - no matter your shape, size or orientation.
r/makeupaddiction - as someone who constantly feels like they’re putting on greasepaint and not makeup, the sub was great for helping people get their cosmetics game on
r/skincareaddiction. - a great sub for anyone struggling with skin issues
r/haircarescience - another great sub to help people with all their hair struggles
r/loseit, r/cico, r/1200isplenty, and the more discrete offshoots - great for helping me structure dietary goals.
r/hysterectomy, r/diabetes - because support groups matter (and I didn’t find the Hystersisters very supportive when I first went there, years ago).
r/volumeeating, r/eatcheaply and healthfully - lovely food “hacks”
r/criticalrole (I do hope that we regenerate with Lemmy.world as I believe there is a community of Critters there).
r/aquariums - I used to have an aquarium when I was younger. I always wanted one as an adult, but I have to suffice by living vicariously through other enthusiasts.
r/superbowls - because: owls and because it’s fun to watch the American football enthusiasts get “lost" in January.
There are others (I subscribed to almost 250 subreddits), but I can’t remember them off-hand.
If it does, I hope it comes over as the original version of the sub when there was a good balance of people from all over the political spectrum and everyone made fun of themselves. These days it feels like a right wing meme sub for the most part where they just make fun of the left, so it kind of lost what made it unique and fun to engage with.
More than migrate, I want to see the content build. Much of my browsing was looking through obscure threads (in askreddit for example creepiest things online, scariest this, etc. ) and reading comments.
i was always on r/hubposts, which was a sub where every post would be like "Spooky and Paranormal Threads" and then it would have like 50 links categorized into stories from truck drivers, or maybe hospital staff, or just camping stories, home alone stories, and each of those links was an AskReddit thread with TONS of comments.
I could get lost in hubposts truly for hours. I really do miss that sort of back log of content.
TBH, none of them. Reddit has has a lot of time to make sure the communities have been culled to the most acceptable to reddit's advertisers. I don't want any of that.