I hate it when someone don't greet or introduce themselves when entering a new place
I get it you're an introvert. I don't expect you to interact with me everytime. I'm an introvert as well. But at least greet once when you're introducing yourself. And That's it. That's the minimum fkin requirements. I see this everytime whenever I have to enter a new department and some students don't do it. I get it. It's overwhelming. I did too in the past and it's why I make a point not to do it.
My brother's girlfriend came over yesterday and she's been in the room ever since. I never saw her once. Never introduce herself no greeting. God I hope she's not the type that locks herself up in the room until she need something only then she comes out.
Yes in a general sense I agree with you. It's a two way thing.
But some situations warrants the guest to start first. And some older folks, they want you to take initiative and start first. Believe me I got scolded many times in the past for not introducing myself. Which is fair. I'm the stranger going into their land. I'm the one who has to appear friendly and non harmful to their place.
I kept seeing an adooorable fluffy oyen kitten for a few nights already. Nak adopt tapi takut it's someone's pet. No collar, was out late at night. Looks well fed (not skeleton-looking) and fur all cantik - no matted fur or brown spots. I'll just pspsps when I see it instead of taking it in then. :(
I talked to my SIL yesterday to hear her side of the story.
I still don't trust ANYONE's side of the story. I'll stay out of their bickering shit. Yes it's annoying when they involve my name in their arguments, but as long as I have my mental health under control, I'm going to ignore what I can.
I don't know why this morning I just feel "Whatever" even though I've been so anxious and worried for the past few days because of them. This is the kind of mood that I want, the idgaf mood, no effect on my mental health, and I can do stuff normally.
Maybe because I've realized that even my SIL still uses taqiyyah here and there in order to bring me "kembali ke pangkal jalan". So now I don't care anymore if she fights with my mom. Sure, my mom is the JustNoMIL, but I'm not gonna help my SIL either if she doesn't respect my choice.
Yeah but dang, i like the UI, and no more buggy bug. They also give user without an icon a default one, so much neater. Too bad there's still no default icon for community though
Oh yeah, it's worth repeated emphasis, both Lemmy and kbin have varying issues with security because they're either too little used so they never had to really think about it (L) or too new (k). Should add to sticky/sidebar until it resolves. For this instance, I suppose have to trust admins to rly delete posts.
The consolation is that monyet.cc is a small local standalone instance who happens to be using Lemmy, and not completely dependent on one main site to exist. I don't think anyone would enjoy my deleted posts so far. They're all salah format.