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  • The more I see news about the United States the less I'm surprised

  • That's kinda genius ngl, even tho I'm pretty sure it's only applies to creative professions

  • Ugh should have read "no sales to trump supporters or religious nutbags. Whoops those 2 are the same thing"

  • The more I see news about the United States the less I'm surprised

  • I'm personally offended by this, but...

    1. Regulating my emotions is my own problem and no one else's
    2. The business owner is well within their rights to do so.
      Just shop somewhere else.
  • I don't have an issue with any of this. Private Business owners can sell their products or services to whoever they want. Don't see what the big deal is. If you don't like it, there's plenty more competition willing to take your money.