Earth’s Moon • 81MP Photo
Earth’s Moon • 81MP Photo
Courtesy of cosmic_background
1 crossposts
Earth’s Moon • 81MP Photo
Courtesy of cosmic_background
This is awesome, whats the source?
Take a read here for more info on how it was captured! Original source on Cosmic Background's instagram page.
Says Cosmic Background, they have a store. Got one of their moon shots on my wall.
Looks AI generated.
I cant tell whats human made or AI generated nowadays
84.93KB...I feel cheated.
This is my new mobile background. Thank you!
HR version please ☺️.
I don't have instagram 🤷.
The light gradient looks fake to me.
Damn! That's awesome...
I always loved the idea of a planet with multiple moons, and I get that it's not really feasible for us. Still want more though!