The 'gotacha' up-charge 70% of the way through your taxes where you can't use the form you legally need to fill out unless you give them $40 did extract money from me. Got tired of that shit and went to Free Tax USA.
The fact that the govt has the balls to tell me to figure out how much I owe them is hysterical. Especially when they supposedly know (at least roughly) how much I should owe
Yeah in Sweden we just get the information and have to sign it or correct faults in their calculations (things they couldn't have known etc). Takes 5 minutes for most people and can be done in the phone with digital identification.
I think in most of Europe (speaking from UK here) if you have one job then it's on the employer to sort your tax out. You get a form at the end of the year to add any other other gains (including benefit in kind etc). If you owe more they adjust your tax code next year to cover it. If they owe you they send a cheque, and then I have to remember how to deposit such ancient technology.
I think the idea is that if you do it and they do it, when they match, they can assume they are both right, and when they don't, they can compare and update their side or suggest/demand correction on yours. And if things look fishy, have a closer look at everything with an audit.
I went through "doing" my taxes 3 times last year. Once at H&R block when I saw how much it was I basically called back and said don't file them I'm not paying that much. Once self filed through "free" TurboTax, then found out it wasn't free when they snuck a 40 dollar fee in, go fuck yourself TurboTax. Finally landed on free tax use where it was actually free.
They did that to me once. I got much of the way through filing, when the site informed me that I needed to "upgrade" to the $40 tier to file a 1098-E form for student loan interest. The deduction would've saved me less than $40, though, so I just didn't file that form. If the IRS audited my return, I could point out that I overpaid my tax.
Why can't we just do it like the rest of the world where the IRS (or equivalent) does it and you just sign off on it being correct? They should already have all the data they need from corporate quarterly filings.
Because of the lobbying these tax companies are doing to keep the tax system so complex you need to hire them to do your taxes for you. If it were easy to do your taxes then these companies would not need to exist - and they cannot have that.
The initial decision by Administrative Law Judge D. Michael Chappell was released today and is subject to an automatic review by the full commission.
Moreover, if an Intuit good or service is not free for most US taxpayers, that fact must be "disclosed clearly and conspicuously at the outset of any disclosures required" by the order.
The ruling said that "Intuit had removed several of the most plausibly deceptive advertisements—that is, three videos that repeated the word 'free' a dozen or more times over 30 seconds before a very brief disclaimer."
"However, if Intuit resumes its full advertising campaign... or the facts on the ground change significantly, the FTC may return to this Court to request relief," US District Judge Charles Breyer wrote.
In its response to the administrative law judge's decision, Intuit said it expected the ruling because of the FTC's "flawed and highly questionable process, Chair Lina Khan's previous public and prejudicial statements against Intuit, and the fact that the FTC has ruled in its own favor in nearly every consumer protection case for the last two decades."
"We believe the FTC's decision is improper, wholly ignores the facts, and tramples on the foundations of an independent American judicial system with its serving as prosecutor, judge, and jury on its own matters," Intuit said.
The original article contains 860 words, the summary contains 216 words. Saved 75%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!
Does the exoenditure of the people then spool the intake to bring more economic ignition back into to eonomy, resulting in significant gains in GDP? Or are we back in the '90s again, where it's cool to put the word "turbo" on everything.
May have come out of your return - also it only does federal, there is a fee for state. And it only does federal for free if you meet a whole slew of requirements, otherwise, you are required to pay a premium.
I'll look at the paperwork again, I definitely didn't see anything about any charges and I did federal and 2 states. It prompted me a few times to go up to the paid tier but I declined it. I didn't get enough of a return for them to take out of.