We are working on bringing the wiki and other resources over to lemmy. The rules are posted, but we are relaxing some of them for now as we want you to jump in and post whatever is on your mind!
I. Am. Miserable. It's been a few weeks of physical and mental hell. Hormone fluctuations still show up out of nowhere, 2.5 years into menopause. They mess with my digestion, which messes with my antidepressant, which triggers an HSV2 flare-up... my poor husband. He's stuck with a bloated, exhausted, wiry-haired, whiny mess of a wife. I'm clinging by my fingertips because I promised him I would.
I hear ya...digestion, gut issues (should I risk a cup of coffee today?), monitoring foods, figuring out when to take what medication and then how to counteract the side effects of that. Some days it feels like trying to juggle balls, when I can barely hold onto one. Keep hanging on @getitoffmychestpleas....
I'm doing okay (fingers crossed and hoping I'm not jinxing myself lol) but this is the little calm before the cosmically horrific emotional storm that usually drops on me at various times. I have been freezing the last few days and that's so unlike me. Usually I'm randomly burning up and I need to sit in front of the fan for a bit to get back to warm. This new freezing feeling is not welcome. I want happy medium! The brain fog has been awful this past week though. I try not to be hard on myself over it and I'm learning to show myself grace. But when you really need to pluck something from your memory concerning a task you were going to do, and the only thing that comes up is fog and a "hello, this is brain fog here to sabotage your memory retrieval. Have a random thought about your age right now!" It's rough lol.
It's so important not to be hard on ourselves, we are our worst critics in everything. Trying to pluck something from memory is always worse when there's someone standing there, waiting for you to say it. Then I get frustrated, not about finding the words, but about what they might think.
I had an Incident. Saturday afternoon I went for a hike with two of my friends. One of them insisted I let her spray me with tick repellent. After I got home I sat around for a couple of hours, ate dinner, relaxed, then discovered I had a tick attached to my calf in spite of the spray. I should have showered and taken off my hiking clothes as soon as I got home. I found another adult tick, unattached, while showering and then found a couple of pinpoint sized ones over the course of the next few hours because I sure as hell wasn't sleeping. Besides I had to get the clothes in the dryer. But for some reason even though I've found ticks on me before, this one set off a full-body whole-life panic attack that is still ongoing. I'm crying at everything. Everyone is irritating me. And I just feel itchy and crawly all the time. I've examined crevices of my body I haven't looked at in years. I shaved places I haven't shaved in years. I've made my husband do several full body exams...he didn't seem to mind somehow.
Apologies if I've now contaminated you with the creepies.
I'm glad you got them all...little buggers. Crying jags are a weird thing, one little issue could cause a few tears, and then it's open flood gates the rest of the day. I don't know if it's some weird phenomenon or if there's some scientific evidence for it, but once I start crying, the tears easily come hours later (for no reason). Even if I'm laughing!