Iran should just deport all their engineers, philosophers, critical thinkers, social unacceptable members to other countries that would be glad to receive a brain boost. That way, Iran could just happily fucking rot in its own juices.
Conservatism is a global plague. Pacifism has never worked to cure this disease. Until the normal people rise up and do the horrific dirty work needed to erase this disease, it will continue to infect and kill.
The cure is not clean, but history has proven that conservatism is a fatal disease when left untreated.
I was heartened to hear about the people keeping up the public opposition of the clerics, beyond knocking off their turbans. I hope that the clerics understand that their time is passing and that they are shaking in their sandals with the very realistic fear that they will continue to get randomly gunned down by the people anytime an opportunity presents it. Fuck theocratic Islam and all other exclusivist religions.
Even the Gulanist movement from Turkey, who likes to put on a friendly face to the western world, is exclusivist -- if pressed, their real opinions come through their strategic friendly face da'wah, e.g., it is not hard to get them to call Sufis (one of the few mystical/not-exclusivist islamic groups) heretics or "not real muslims."
it is not hard to get them to call Sufis (one of the few mystical/not-exclusivist islamic groups) heretics or “not real muslims.”
Exclusivist meaning? Because while I would hesitate to call anyone a heretic as a Muslim I can think of quite a few reasons someone would call Sufis that.
Start by protesting religion in your own country. Religion is bad everywhere. If some crazy groups want to believe in fairies, that's ok, just do it in your home and don't bring it out of there.
The problem is religion. The best way to deconvert people is to show them that you can function without skydaddy. Allah (as a concept) has always been a narcissist, you are nothing without it.
Me personally if I was given the task I would move billions into generating content showing people of Iranian background living normal lives with diet-Islam to no-Islam. From movies and TV, to hiring Instagramers. An ocean of content being pumped into there every year.
The less lucky ones get hanged. And if you think hanged as in a quick drop and neck snap, no. They hang you slowly with a crane so that you suffer more, that is required by Darth vader the ayatollah...
Fuck everything about those religious zealot nut cases
It's the age where in many muslim countries, if you say something even mildly critical about the ruling class or the priests or Islam, there's a very high risk of being executed for it.
A religion where women are beaten and people are blown up for fun. Islam is like a cancer of all modern religions. I must check how many down votes I get in next 12h.
Oh none from me, though I'd pool just about every other religion in with that. They're all shit in their own ways. The concept of a modern religion also makes no sense, by their nature religions are archaic power tools used to control the masses against their individual will via their collective will.
Dont say muslims, i dont give a shit what you think this is OBVIOUSLY not what the majority of muslims want or support. This isnt even right in the most literal islamic pov
AFAIK there is nothing humane about such a sentence, on the contrary, it can mean slow and painful death.
I just tried to find this out, in most muslim countries, the too many lashes are spread out over several times, to avoid death. A limit is for example 50 lashes per time in Saudi Arabia.
Obligatory I don't agree with the mess going on in Iran.
With that out of the way, there's a decent amount of restrictions on the lashing process to make the sentence painful but not lethal or permanently disabling. Lashing someone with all your strength and ripping the flesh off their back pre-Civil War America style isn't a thing., because ripping the flesh off people's backs tends to kill them.
Holy shit is 74 lashes even survivable?? I feel like it would flay the flesh off his her back and never recover, die from infection or something. Not a doctor and not a torturer so idk.
From what I understand they can stretch that over multiple sessions. No idea if they have a fixed set of lashes per session or if they simply stop when a doctor signals it gets problematic and continue when the wounds have somewhat started to heal.
It's actually a pretty common punishment in Iran so should be survivable for most people, or people would revolt if their teenager lashed to death for drinking alcohol.
Obligatory what Iran is doing makes no fucking sense.
That aside, lashing in Islam doesn't mean lashing with all your strength and ripping the flesh off the guy you're lashing. There are a lot of restrictions to make the process painful, but survivable without permanent injuries.
Fuck any religion that posits death or beating for anyone. Fuck any religion that teaches women are subservient to men. I don't give a flying fuck about "a lot of restrictions" -- fuck this brutal religion.
Wait what???? But my college buddy who fell down the ruzzian propaganda pipeline tells me the west is evil and Iran is actions of the most moral countries out there!!
Can Iran not be a victim of the west but also wrong in their treatment of women?
Society isn't stuck in the medieval ages there. It's cruel, sure. But they have phones, coffee and automatic weapons just like everyone else, so they're firmly in the same age as everyone else.
This woman is using her privilege as a prominent(ish) figure to highlight the injustices prevalent in Iran, so she's unlikely to get the worse punishments you've mentioned. I say fair play to her and I hope more people get to speak out.
Sadly, though, history tells us that dictators can do whatever the fuck they like to their own people with no repercussions.
Yes they can be the victim of the west and also terrible. But you have to ask yourself if the meddling of the west helped create the conditions for this terribleness. My recollection is that the mullahs staged a revolt to oust a US-installed puppet regime.
It’s an evil theocratic dictatorship, but do you know how it got that way? There was a revolution opposing a US puppet ruler. The west would like all Middle East nations to be like the Saudis: nice, stable petro states who are compliant for the most part and who cares what happens there internally. But this formula has gone wrong several times (Iran) or the west hasn’t tried as hard to achieve stability because the oil incentive isn’t there (Syria) or the borders were specifically drawn to crate instability (Iraq).
There’s no pointing fingers at the Middle East without acknowledging the culpability of the UK, France, Russia and the USA in their horrid dysfunction. Understanding this is a rite of passage. Children point and hoot about the horrible Arabs. Adults know what’s actually up with that part of the world.
No, just for creating the conditions that allowed the mullahs to seize power. You know that the vast majority of Iranians hate the dictatorship, right? Everything they do is to control their internal population. A lot of people who would never call themselves feminists suddenly care about women’s rights when it privides a way for them to unleash their hatred on Iranians.
There's no 'freeing' Snowden. He dumped US intel, got scared, and decided to move to Russia of all places, where he couldn't be charged or extradited. He has now lived there for a significant portion of his life. For the entire war against Ukraine. If he were half as critical of Russian or Chinese spying as he is American, I might see things differently. Point is, he made his own choices and moves a long time ago. His allegiances are clearly elsewhere. Maybe he was dumb enough to believe the Russians and Chinese respect privacy more than Americans.
Their current plight goes all the way back to the 70s, where they literally got everything they wanted.
The Shah deposed, check.
Carter humiliated and out of office, check.
Religious oligarchy / theocracy / Islamic fundamentalism and Khomeini in power, check.
Reagan elected, check.
The US embarrassed and shamed, check.
Nothing good it seems come out of getting involved in the affairs of the Middle East.