The good news is that they dropped the burglary charges. The bad news is that they've instilled a distrust in police among the black community for at least another generation.
The police would have infinite times more trust if they weren't so hell bent on incriminating innocent people. From lying and coercing to you to get a confession, trying to search your home and vehicle without warrants and setting up traps that innocent people may fall for like this. There is no trust in the police because trusting them is the worst thing you can do.
Obligatory reminder to never speak to the police without a lawyer, they will use anything you say to attempt to convict you.
I think it's only entrapment in a legal sense if the cop tells you take the sneakers. Simply presenting someone an opportunity to commit a crime isn't entrapment.
If a cop went over to the kids and said "hey look, that truck is full of sneakers and no one is around, so you should go take them" that would be entrapment. But the sneakers just being there and the kids on their own accord deciding they should steal them isn't entrapment.
It's a really shitty thing to do to be sure, but doesn't fit the legal definition of entrapment as far as I know.
It is. But if the police ask them without a lawyer "did you steal those shoes" they dont know any better and will say yes. Then they can take that to court and their parents and say "They admitted to the crime" and then more bullshit continues. Thats why if you ever get arrested DONT SAY SHIT until a lawyer is present.
“the truck was locked and required considerable effort to break into, and that perpetrators couldn't have known the truck contained Nikes until after they broke in and began ransacking it.”
Idk. The trailer was unmarked and locked. There were a lot of freight vehicles getting broken into, so they parked one and waited for another legit crime to happen.
It just seems like an easy target to me. Anyone with even a passing knowledge of socioeconomics knows that crime, especially crimes of opportunity sky rockets in poor communities.
This is a case of "treating the symptom and not the cause". Which is just easy mode bullshit policing. And another example of police prioritising property over people.
No, when a police officer incites it is. When a police officer merely places the truck in front of them but keeps it locked and doesn't say anything to them it's not entrapment. It is still however morally wrong and genuinely some of the most disgusting police conduct.
The truck was locked, had no logos, and the cops didn't push them into stealing from it. Thus it isn't entrapment
However, they placed it in an area where they knew people are desperately poor and regularly have to turn to illicit activities to make ends meet. Most truck drivers know this and don't park their shit outside for this reason. To anyone older, this would look like an obvious setup. That's why they targeted kids.
Wrong to steal shoes in a random truck, yeah. Wrong to steal shoes, -literally placed there for you to steal-, I hope some of them at least got away with it.
I saw a statement on here rather recently that resonated with me quite a lot: "Dystopian stories are not predictions of the future, they are criticisms of the current."
These are the same people who are like "If you don't believe in god how can you be of good moral character?!" and then pull shit like this.
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This happened in like 2008 or 2011 if I remember correctly. These dipshits should be fired and barred from ever serving in a position of authority ever again. But they are bullies, so they'll just find a way to lure a kid onto their property and shoot them "in self defense".
It happened like six years ago and it’s shitty but the truck was locked and had no way of knowing what’s inside until broken into… it wasn’t filled with logos and shit.
It was still a honeypot, but it wasn’t like “I have things you want in me”
I am not sure if calling for death penalties for cops is something that fits or the solar punk ideals.
Instead I would like to point you to the ! community which collects resources on alternatives to our current punishment based idea of justice.
Well, I absolutely agree with you.
My comment was a kind of .. test ? I wanted to know how people would react to this. It always seems to me that cops violence is taken very lightly, even among progressives, while the most cruel punishments are demanded against other abusers.
Well, the (only) reaction I got was yours. I didn't expect that.
But yes, in truth, I fully agree with you and I'm a committed penal abolitionnist. Feel free to delete my message, I'm all okay with it.