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  • honestly you're a failed country if other powers can so easily tamper with your elections.

    • 👆👆 almost like they raised one of the biggest countries in the world to be full of people who can't think critically and just react to snarky quips and fear

      • It reminds me of the moment in Dune when God Emperor try hard to not absolutely despise the Museum Fremen by telling himself "i cannot blame them, i made them what they are".

  • Ok so, Putin sponsoring Trump sounds ... eh, at least there's some kind of proximity in discourse

    But who the fuuuuuck do they think China is willing the burgerlanders to vote for??? The communist party??? There are two electorally viable parties and both are super anti-China. It just doesn't make sense

  • This won't work nearly as well as Russiagate considering most of America is expecting someone to cheat in the upcoming election.