What game has a great story and is worth the time investment?
I recently finished Rise of the Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy XVI, and I’m hesitant what I should play next (PC or PS5).
With FF I enjoyed the game and the story was all I expected from it, and I’m really looking forward to the DLC.
With Tomb Raider… damn that game is all over the place. The story is predictable, and also stupid. “Why did you rush in there? Without weapons? Against an army?”, and other similar thoughts kept running through my head. I don’t feel inclined to play Shadow of the tomb Raider (the sequel).
I have a backlog of too many games, and lately it takes a lot of effort to start because I don’t know if it’s worth the time investment. I love games with good stories, and playing a game that puts the lore and story in the background feels like a waste of time.
Sure, I could get started on Baldurs Gate 3, I’ve heard great things. But is the story great? Will I be able to say “oh that chapter/fight/act is awesome!” To other people looking for game experiences?
Experiences like Escaping from the ship in Super Metroid, helping that king in Witcher 3, fighting Psycho Mantis in MGS, fighting Titan in FFXVI, killing the first colossus, escaping from darth Vader, that first Mario odyssey stage, beating the first boss in Bloodborne, playing “Brothers” for the first time and getting to the ending… all great experiences with awesome stories to tell
TL;DR: what am I missing?
EDIT: Holy crap I didn't expect these many replies. Thank you! There are many recommendations I've already played, and many others I will definitely play. Thanks!
I wanted to say Outer Wilds too simply to have OP join us in our search for that high of another player experiencing this game for the first time. Nothing quite like seeing the game "click" when they finally get those big plot points.
How would you classify Detroit becomes human? Its been in my queue for awhile. The preview looks great, sounds great, but I havent heard anyone bring it up. Which makes me worry if its worth the time.
This should be the top answer. I'm also a person that can't really enjoy a game unless it has a good story and Disco Elysium blew me away. The best game to come out since 2019 as far as I'm concerned
I definitely recommend Control, since a lot of games you like have big epic set pieces as well as an engaging story. That game is insanely rewarding if you're willing to put the time and effort into looking for "collectibles" and piecing the game together. Very cool atmosphere and fun to play as well. You really get out of this one what you put into it.
Bioshock Infinite got shit on by both racists and leftists who completely missed the point of the game, but the ending is the best of the Bioshock series IMO and stuck with me longer than most anything else I've played. Lots of big cinematic moments, too.
Guardians of the Galaxy is slept on imo and has some amazing moments, and while the story is a retread of things the GotG comic has done, if you're not a big comic reader, you won't know, and if you are, you'll be jazzed about how things are represented.
BG3 is incredible and the hype is well-deserved. The replayability is genuinely off the charts. Ive begun 4 playthroughs and beat it once and have not played the same game twice. Main story is the same but the variability in motivation, drive, and interactions is simply incredible. It is THE CRPG, and this is coming from someone for whom BG2 is my favorite game of all time.
New Vegas is New Vegas. It's a shining example of what gaming can be for a reason. Needs no explanation (other than "don't go north at the start").
I came here to say Guardians of the Galaxy. The gameplay is fine, but the story and music in the game are awesome! I keep trying to get people to play it.
First one. The second one… I’ve read it’s more of a vengeance story in the first half, and then you play the same story from the other side, making you see how awful revenge is.
Does it have scenes like the one with the giraffes?
Yep. I hated ND at the time but by the end of the game I was blown away. One of the most immersive incredible gaming experiences I've ever had (story-wise, both games I mean). As amazing as the first was I almost prefer the second.. I'm still torn.
It's not for every one though and it recieved a review bomb before it was released and a lot of those people still hate it.
To answer the giraffe one and without spoilers.. yep there'a lovely moments in it that stick with you
I'm replaying it right now on Survivor. Great game but so grim. I can't do long play sessions because I find it too taxing. It's extremely polished so you can play it at any difficulty level and it works well.
I'm here now because I want to find another game to play alongside or after that isn't so heavy.
This one doesn't usually get mentioned when people talk about good story: Borderlands 2. (1 is dry, 3 is stupid)
It's light-hearted so I think people don't take it seriously, but if you look past the fart jokes, and really pay attention. You get one of the BEST villains ever, and some real emotional moments.
Bladur’s gate 3 is awesome but if you can wait, do so and you will have a much more seamless experience in the near future once more patches come out.
My recommendation is the following.
NieR Automata. It’s a masterpiece of a game with innovation all over the place. Trust me, it’s much more of a JRPG with some hot chicks. Go in blind and you will have an amazing experience.
On a similar note, Death Stranding. The story is less cohesive and honestly as a game it isn’t as good either but I still maintain that it is a game that everyone must try at least once. It’s not one of the best games I’ve played, by far but I am 100% happy that I played it.
Last recommendation is Hades. Flawless game with incredible amounts of polish.
I was really surprised by Titanfall 2. Looks like an ordinary mech shooter (okay there is nothing ordinary about that these days), but the story was solid and the level design amazing.
My only complaint is that it's way too short of a campaign. It's very easy to beat over a few hours, but it's fun the whole way through and I just want more.
God of War 2018 - such a great story and you don't need to know the previous games.
God of War - Ragnarock - it's rare a sequel to a banger is good. Even more rare when the sequel to a banger is an even bigger banger. 2018's story was good, ragnarock is so damn moving.
Red Dead Redemption 2 - never played the first one but bc 2 is chronologically before it, no matter. This game is so immersive and deep.
Horizon Zero Dawn - this one is probably hit or miss. You either lovr the lore or couldn't be fucked. For me it was a great story. Gameplay may not stand the test of time however.
Ghost of Tsushima - this game is so fucking pretty.
Hollow knight - the lore. Omg the lore and the art style and omfg the music. Hidden gem.
Horizon's story stuck with me for a few weeks after completing it. Also one of the few games I played all the way through without playing other games as well. I usually have to play a few different games so I don't get burned out of any one game.
I agree on the God of War games as well. So well done.
Edit to add: for me the lore of HZD was like 1 generational leap from plausible. Like it's science fiction for sure but 1 leap in tech and it's science plausible. That said... Fuck Ted Faro
I also agree, I loved Horizons story and lore. I also agree people either love it or hate it which is super odd to me because it is such a great game and reminds me of all the other great games yet somehow this one gets shafted. You never got to see the past but just the retelling of what happened throughout the game was perfect.
A bit dated, but one of the few shooters that makes you question your actions and view warfare for what it does to civilians and to soldiers. Definitely some memorable story moments.
Cannot say Outer Wilds enough. Wonderful experience. Exploration and lore is everything in this game. But it's not too much. Some games have exploration and lore just for the sake of having it. Whereas everything in Outer Wilds is purposeful and motivating to do.
I’m halfway through RDR2 and the gameplay is boring af. Ok not all gameplay, mostly the quests. The world is amazing, and it’s quite immersive indeed but 90% of the quests are, go here, shoot some guys, come back.
The issue with quests in RDR2 is that they give you no autonomy. Most games set a quest objective and give you a dozen ways to achieve it. RDR2 forces you to follow the exact path through the quest that the game wants you to take. If you deviate it either fails to progress or simply fails the quest. It felt more to me like an interactive movie than a game in that respect, though you get full freedom outside of quests.
Describing Mass Effect as a soap opera makes me irrationally angry. I think you meant "Space Opera", although even that isn't accurate. It's far more like Star Trek than Star Wars.
I've heard nothing but praises for Yakuza's story thus far. And I'm only a short way into my first game in the franchise, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, and godamn does it live up to the hype. The characters, plot, world, they all are lovingly crafted and fit together so well. After this I'll be going back to do all the Kiryu games.
I highly highly recommend the entire Yakuza series if you want something story focused, with some caveats.
You'll hear a lot about all the mini games in Yakuza but the games' main focus is really the story. The games can take a while until they have introduced everything and you're completely free to explore the city. Cutscenes and dialogs can be pretty long but they are all really well animated. It can sometimes be like watching a show.
Where I initially ran into issues is that I didn't expect it to be this story heavy and just wanted to play. I highly recommend playing the whole series on Steamdeck. Since cutscenes can be long, the steamdeck's pause and resume is really helpful.
Also, play the 2 Judgment games when you're done with the Yakuxa series. I haven't made it through 2 yet, but 1 was great.
You're missing Elden Ring. Bang for buck one of the best games hands down if you have 150ish hours to spare. Absolutely beautiful game with a great story, if a bit cryptic and dystopian. It's a game that takes patience and can punish mistakes but just such a rewarding experience, wish I could start it over without knowing anything.
Disco Elysium definitely, as it's probably one of if not the best written games available right now.
If you want something with more gameplay, you should definitely take a look at Pathologic 2. New content will be released relatively soon for it too (as in a different playable character and story), so it's probably a good time to give it a shot.
Seconded, though particularly the Royal version. The extra semester (and related content) and quality of life upgrades are completely worth it, and the best way to experience the game.
My personal disclaimer on this is that Borderlands is way more fun with friends, but if you want to pay attention to the story you probably need to be selective about who you play with. I find most of the people I've played with don't really pay attention to the story and I either need to skip everything or force them to wait for me, not ideal for either person.
From some of the games you mentioned I think you'll appreciate some of these games. All of them are the sort of games that have very rich stories that you will want to talk to people about, remember how you wanted to get your friend to play MGS blind just so you could see him face Psycho Mantis and have his mind blown and then you had someone to talk to about it? I had the same feeling for each of these games (which means I won't tell you much about them, and you should try to avoid spoilers):
Spec Ops: The Line
Life is Strange
I also think the Stanley Parable deserves an honorary spot it's not exactly story rich but it's a neat experience that I found quite unique.
NieR: Automata has the same effect for me. That game made me have some thoughts, I tell you what, that once-in-a-lifetime experience you wish you could erase your memory of to experience it for the first time again.
If you enjoyed FFXVI, it's worth considering FFXIV.
It's currently free to play through its first expansion and the second expansion will be free next year. So it's a safe game to try from that perspective.
The producer of FFXIV is the same as FFXVI. His mentality has been that he's wanted players who don't want to play an MMO to be able to play through FFXIV's story as if it were a mainline FF game. I'd say 95% of story content can be soloed at this point.
The two caveats are these:
This is like playing through five full length JRPGs. To finish FFXIV's story takes months. It's easily 400+ hours of playtime imo.
The initial base game story, called A Realm Reborn or ARR is mediocre. It's not bad, but the story quality spikes up in a big way at the first expansion and then never backs down. Even the end of ARR is really good, but it's only decent up until then. However, after ARR is some of the best story writing I've ever had the pleasure to play. Shadowbringers and Endwalker in particular still bring tears to my eyes when I hear certain songs or rewatch some cutscenes. Truly a beautifully told story.
I was kind of disappointed with all of the planets after leaving Anachronox and I kind of just stopped playing at some point. I kind of want to pick it up again but I’m not super into the combat system either.
Fallout New Vegas (with some mods), Vampire Bloodlines (with community patch) and Deus Ex Human Revolutions. I'd personally even put Deus Ex 1 there for the story itself, but the game is pretty old and may be jarring for modern audience even with mods....
It depends if you are new to the game or not. There's two big categories of mods - those that only perform modernization and quality of life features, and those that rework everything until it looks like Skyrim.
If you are new, I'd recommend not using any of the latter; they can be fun, but it's good to know New Vegas "as is", I'd say. Otherwise the selection is so big it's hard to pick, I'm running like 30 or so (mostly extra weapons, enhanced AI, better crafting, extra sidequests and a player home). But just give an idea on the scope of mods, the settlement building system in FO4 was inspired by mods originally in New Vegas (Real Time Settler and Wasteland Defense), so there's really a wide scope of things to pick from.
As for the former, there's some that jump to mind - NVAC (New Vegas Anti-Crash), FNV 4GB memory patcher, stutter remover, nevada skies and/or EVE (essential visual enhacements), and probably a texture pack or two to enhance visuals. Maybe even NVSE, which is a scripting extension mod that other mods can/will need.
BioShock. The whole series has an interesting storyline. One and two are related directly. BioShock Infinite isn't directly related to the first two but arguably has the most compelling story arc. The ending is one of the first games I remembered being just dumbstruck.
Currently playing a second Fallout 4 play through so that will color my view but honestly, all the fallout games.
Not the main story necessarily but all the smaller stories you find absolutely everywhere in those games are magical, piecing together what happens with a family who’s been dead for 200 years through terminals and notes or going through a vault slowly realizing what horrors have taken place keeps me pushing to exploring!
Torment: Tides of Numenera, Disco Elysium, Age of Decadence, Shadowrun: Dragonfall, Shadowrun: Hong Kong, Tyranny, Fallout: New Vegas, Planescape: Torment
The first three Metal Gear Solid games have fascinating stories. They're not the most logically sound stories and they have a lot of weird elements that make them hard to follow. At the micro scale they're not the most comprehensive. On the macro scale they're not hard to get into at all. When the story hooks you it really hooks you.
I was a child when I completed the first two MHS games. I never finished MGS3 because the disk got smashed to pieces. I do remember liking it a lot though. MGS2 is my favorite of the bunch. It was a good mix of old characters and new that carried the story in a satisfying way.
The absolute best story in video games(IMO) is the Mass Effect trilogy. For the longest time those games set the bar for video game story telling to me. Every character was so easy to get invested in. I cared for all of them and deciding who completed the journey or not was a series of deeply personal tough choices that carried across three games. Did the ending suck? Absolutely. Do not let that last 0.1% mar what is easily %99.9 one of the best space scifi stories in any medium.
The 3rd act of MGS2 hits like a sledgehammer after so much light hearted, self-parodying, comfortably familiar heroic espionage. The story has aged so well. It invokes that eerie 4th wall break feeling that Psycho Mantis delivered, but on a prolonged and more meaningful scale.
Conversation that could go a few different ways. Are you looking for games with massive lore and world building? Dark Souls, Destiny, Nier, FFXIV.
Are you looking for something short and sweet that keeps you engaged with story the entire time? Bioshock, Horizon, Last of Us
I would recommend trying FFXIV if you liked XVI. Same team (Creative Business Unit III) worked on both games. They have done a lot of work so that even tho it is an online game, mass majority of the story elements can be finished solo. And then there's the joke about the free trial....which expands this October to not only include the base game + The full first expansion Heavensward...they are also adding in the second expansion Stormblood for absolutely free.
Also, if you want a mecha sci-fi game, play 13 sentinels. It is an fantastic unique storytelling experience.
Sure, I could get started on Baldurs Gate 3, I’ve heard great things. But is the story great? Will I be able to say “oh that chapter/fight/act is awesome!” To other people looking for game experiences?
I can only speak for the first 1,5 acts (I think I'm getting closer to finishing act 2). The main story is good so far, but perhaps not the best. There are loads of great side quests, fights and even choices though. And you can complete most tasks in a myriad of different ways.
Metro series. It is not a horror game but have a nice story. Also, Astroneer is good. I didn't give any change to these two games in the past, but now I regret my decision.
I definitely get your concern with BG3 as Lariat had a pretty lousy story in both DoS and DoS2. In both games they tried to be serious and funny without doing a good job at either.
Quantic Dream makes pretty good story-driven games. People have recommended Detroit, but earlier games are also worth checking out, like Beyond: Two Souls
Baldur's Gate has some of the best gaming moments in my recebt memory, but those are more character and story moments. On the other Hand, FFXVI has the most epic boss fights I've ever played, basically Kaiju beating the shit out of each others.
I haven't seen anyone mention BioShock. BioShock 1 and 2. I've heard mixed reviews about the third and haven't played it so I'll make no comment on it.
God of War 2018 & God of War: Ragnarök. I would recommend this first on PS5.
Next I would say is 100% worth the time investment: Final Fantasy XIV. It’s an MMO, but the story is amazing. You can play 99% of the story with NPCs easily. They made it so easy to pay older dungeons with the new NPC system to keep players going. It starts off very slow and just bleh (war story with light fantasy), but it gets better and better. I’ve played the 3rd expansion twice and plan on playing the 4th expansion again soon. I’ve cried so much. Even the side stories have great stories as the writers get their footing after the first bit. You’ll recognize several of the fantasy elements from FF16. I’ve only every played 15 before 14, so it’s not like I’ve spent a a lot of time in the series.
I've been playing Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG on the PC since its inception more than a decade ago and I am still loving it. It's playable as a solo game (I rarely group up for anything) and there are 8 different character classes, each with their own unique story and missions. It's very much a typical Bioware product. So YMMV I guess.
I'm late to the party, but just wanted to say that your list of purchases and recommended to purchase are just monumental lists of games. So many amazing choices.
I want to add two more if you have room.
Psychonauts and Psychonauts 2. They won't get you as much in the way of epic set pieces, but they are dripping with charm and very well crafted games with some of the most interesting levels I've seen.