Trikes are usually ridden by older people anyways so it's possible this person actually is legally handicapped and didn't want to take up the whole spot since they have a smaller vehicle.
They were probably attempting to be courteous here, not an asshole.
A lot of the people who ride these are actually handicapped themselves. So maybe they have a handicap license plate, but are trying to be considerate of other handicap people by not taking up the entire spot when they only need a little space.
Where I live you can drive these with a regular car drivers license, because they are technically considered cars according to the law. So you save money and time not getting a motor cycle license.
But that probably doesn't apply to the US.
I'm assuming he is disabled. It looks like there are three marked handicap spaces. The way you want him to park, two additional vehicles with side ramps could park. A total of 3 handicap vehicles, 2 with side ramps.
The way he actually parked, two vehicles with side ramps could park (both utilizing the other ramp space, one pulling in, the other backing in), and another handicapped space is still available for a vehicle without side ramps, which are the overwhelming majority of handicapped vehicles. A total of 4 handicap vehicles, 2 with side ramps.
Now, I admit, my arithmetic skills were developed before the era of "New Math", so they might have changed it since. But when I learned it, "4" was greater than "3".
I love when people double park in front of a business but if you drive up the street a block or park of the other side of the road there's plenty of spots, but instead flashes hazard lights and parks in the fucking road/way.
I used to work with a Vietnam vet that had his leg blown off and he rode a Harley with whatever you control with your left foot somehow relocated. He told good stories about being part of a tank crew and ordered flaming shots at the bar, fun guy to talk to.
Left foot is gear shifter. It's an up/down button. Easy to relocate.
But who the fuck cares? Vet, hero, dog-savior. Don't park like a fucking asshole. Park in an actual spot or don't park there at all. In this image's case they are potentially blocking 2 spots, at least 1 handicapped. I hope he got 2 $500 tickets.
It looks like there are 3 marked handicapped spaces. He is entitled to 1, leaving two, both with side ramp access.
The way he is parked, there is still room for two vehicles with side ramps,, both using the other, marked ramp space (one pulling in, the other backing in). And there is still an empty, presumably marked space on the other side of him. It isn't accessible to a vehicle with a side ramp, but the overwhelming majority of handicapped vehicles don't need or have them.
You want him to leave room for two other handicapped vehicles. He parked in a way to leave room for 3 other handicapped vehicles. And for that, you're going to call him a fucking asshole?
I think your sphincter is cutting off the blood supply to your brain. You might want to address that.
The reason many accessible spots like this had large clearance on both sides is so if the person in the vehicle needs extra space to get out. Many times they may have a lift or ramp that raises and lowers an accessibility scooter into and out of the side of the van and blocking this area stops them from accessing their equipment.
It's not. Trikes are 99% of the time ridden by people who used to ride motorcycles but are medically incapable (handicapped) or too old to balance on a bike (and also probably handicapped.)
Assuming this person is actually one of the above, they're trying to reduce the amount of space their vehicle takes up by not parking dead center in the handicapped spot with a vehicle that doesn't need the space, thus freeing it up for someone else who also needs it.
The reason people are angry is because the cross hatched zones are intended as spacers to allow people with wheelchairs to access their vehicles via loading ramp. The thing is, not all handicapped people use wheelchairs (crazy, it's possible to be handicapped in some other way) and even if they do, they could just reverse in to use the OTHER SIDE that's not blocked.
The trike rider is intending to be courteous by not taking up a whole parking space when they only need a third of it, thus saving the spot for someone who is handicapped and driving a car.
Not good enough for Lemmy! They want him to park dead center so that no one can use the spot! Fucking morons.
infront of the train station where i live there is always cars that park over 3 spaces i have no idea what one would have to think to not just park normally
Why are those stripes yellow? They should be blue, to indicate it's the access ♿ path for people exiting wheelchair accessible vehicles. (Or with other mobility issues, but specifically it's wider to drop a ramp.)
There's only one way I can surmise to excuse this: If the rider is legit disabled, maybe they use 2 crutches or something, and when they arrived some non disabled asshole had taken the actual spot. While they were inside asking the store owner to call for a tow or ticket (because it's private property it has to be the owner) the asshole left.
That's not universal. In some states, only the handicap symbol is marked blue, with the space and restrictions marked in yellow. I think all-yellow markings - including the symbol - are still allowed in some jurisdictions. I prefer the blue marking for everything, but the yellow may be accepted here.
If he is, indeed, handicapped, he is entitled to use one of the three spaces, leaving two spaces with ramp access. However, parking in the ramp access, there is still room for two vehicles with side ramps to use the other ramp space, and there is room for one more handicap vehicle without a side ramp. He has made room for 4 vehicles instead of 3.