Exactly! The Court is being used as a tool to permanently constrain American politics for the next 50 years, no matter what party is in power. A year ago, there were legitimate concerns they'd gut American democracy by enabling state legislatures unchecked power to run their own elections, which would have enabled outright single party rule, mask off.
(One could argue that large parts of the US already qualify as a single-party theocratic dictatorship, looking at you Florida)
The GOP had the opportunity to do so in the recent past and specifically chose not to due to the destabilizing effect it would have. The idea they will do it is not consistent with history.
I think in addition to the other points on this page, the thing that keeps coming to me is because I think deep down inside, Biden knows where the fault is.
The Supreme Court's primary role is to decipher existing laws, existing precedent, and figure out how it should be interpreted in a different era. Yes, I know due to how politicalized everything is, sometimes questionable outcomes come from the Supreme Court. But at the core, their job is to interpret existing law and precedent.
Congress' role is to actually pass new laws for a new era. It can be argued, they've done a terrible job at that because they're busy trying to appease their base. Because they're so divided, very little acts, with any substance, are being passed at the federal level.
Expanding the court might result in the outcome you want today, it may not result in the outcome you want tomorrow.
But expanding the court also continues to give Congress a way out of making tricky compromises and laws, so they can continue fundraising on outrage, and yet do very little about things by blaming the other side.
It sucks to type that because I’m all for helping young adults get higher education. But I do agree with the court, it can’t be at the expense of executive orders because then we’ll be on a crazy hamster wheel with every president. Congress needs to do their dang job and create a college bill that everyone dislikes and likes.
Because that would lead to a cycle of each party packing the courts everytime they gain office, massively politicising the judicial system and damaging the system of checks and balances currently in place.
This is more or less the argument you'd hear from a Biden supporter against packing the court. The counterargument is that the judicial system is already massively politicized so 🤷♂️
Politicizing is one issue, the other issue is that where do we end up after repeated court packing? We will all be supreme court justices on that blessed day.
I don't know that I actually agree with that but it's at least a realistic fear.
I think the issue is packing SCOTUS isn't even a band aid fix to the problem. You'd have to completely overhaul the way the Court works to get a meaningful impact on the way it operates currently. I've seen ideas floated like expanding the judiciary and then choosing a certain number of justices randomly to preside over each case, but that is probably worse than our current system because you could end up with an even more radical Court presiding over a very impactful case.
Biden can’t just expand the size of the court by himself. Congress has to give him the authority to do so.
The House of Representatives is controlled by Republicans, so any court expansion plan is dead in the water. Even if the Democrats controlled the House, they only have 51 (out of 100) seats in the Senate. There are two Democratic members of the Senate who are basically Republican-lite (Manchin of WV and Sinema of AZ, who is technically an independent). Those two would kill any bill that allowed any sort of progressive change.
If you don’t like it, then you need to do everything you can to fight for Democratic majorities in both chambers of Congress.