A reader may also note with interest that Tolkien used only the word goblin in the Hobbit and only the word orc in LotR, which probably doesn't help the confusion.
Maybe we're just talking about the movies though, given the image. Even if not, the orc image here could be uruk hai if they wanted to be more specific of the larger orc breed. So image is weird either way
I know you probably didn't create it Stamets but I always think of ways to tweak these.
Better would be space goblin: romulan (since goblins were made from elves, space goblins are made from space elves), Space Hobbits: ferengi since they are mostly a nuisance but willing to carry something up a mountain for a good cause.
From reading r/tolkienfans (yeah I know but have been reading for many years till recently) I think I read that Tolkien wasn't final with the orcs being corrupted elves, it was definitely in one of the drafts though. So can still work but maybe not definite is all. Also I am not sure on the timeline of drafts so maybe that was the last one in his works for them which would make it more likely.
I'll always find it a little weird how pop culture settled on making Dwarves vaguely Scottish when their origin is as Nordic and Germanic mountain spirits.
Das Schwarze Auge was a game series with a few CRPGs that did have very German Dwarves, if that helps. I'm talking cave fortresses with names like Finsterkoppen.
From playing d&d with a few definitely... Never had another group try to convince me it's simple math to work out the dynamics of a fireball and how far it would really go in a tunnel system because they wanted to get enemies around a corner too lmfao.