Power tripping
Power tripping
Power tripping
This must be satire
probably satire indeed
I thought it might have been a "no headphones in the office/distraction" rule which is still kind of shitty, but jealous boss is a bizarre turn
This has to be satire, right? No one is that big of an asshole.
There are some surprisingly asinine people out there who got so corrupted by their power over people that they got turned into almost caricature-like nightmare bosses.
This is the dumbest power trip I've ever seen. If this is real, poor Irwin
I think he dodged a big bullet on his first day
How do you fire someone that is unpaid? That's called volunteering.
Wtf? There's not way this ain't fake, it's just too insane... If it's real I implore whoever the original poster is to seek out professional help...
it tipped into satire for me when they mentioned the intern wasn't even paid. please be satire
I tend to believe things are satire but at the same time I acknowledge with the amount of arrogant control freaks in the world there is a chance it has / will have happened to somebody at some point. Then I feel sad again.
And if a female intern wears a bra they get fired too, because the bossman doesn't own one himself. That's a one way ticket to sexual harassment lawsuit
Can we just legally force people to call unpaid interns Diet Slaves? Or Slave Zeros? It’s not kuch different to be honest…
I fired a guy who was more attractive to me because he was a threat to me banging the new hot intern! /s
I know this story is probably fake but the internet should have asked him why he felt entitled to decide if he could or could not wear AirPods seeing that you aren’t paying him.
Okay. 100% satire. That said it drives me absolutely bonkers when coworkers are walking around common areas with their AirPods (I’m in an office). We had someone at my job removed that people treat him differently or don’t talk to him. Like dude.. if you maybe took out your AirPods people might be more inclined to say hi.
Slight pet peeve, I also totally get doing it every so often, but wearing it 100% of the time it feels stand off-ish. Same thing with never turning on cameras for video calls. Totally get not having it on 100% of meetings. But there are a few people on my team or that I work with who NEVER have it on.
Also. We hired someone virtually the other day. They came into the office. Ends up they are taller than me so I had to let him go on the spot. What’s with all these people not respecting their elders? It’s called seniority for a reason. Entitled kids trying to make us look bad…. /s