The California Highway Patrol may best be known for freeway chases and the Hollywood glamour of its motorcycle cops in television shows like “ChiPs.” But now the storied agency is patrolling the streets of San Francisco’s Tenderloin as part of a multiagency effort to crack down on rampant drug deali...
... On one day recently, CNN watched as task force members arrested a suspected drug dealer accused of selling meth and fentanyl. Inside a plastic bag: 33 grams of fentanyl that CHP officer Andy Barclay estimates, at its worst, could potentially kill thousands of people. "We're looking at around 16,500 fatal doses of pure fentanyl in that small bag. Yes, 16,500 people could potentially die," Barclay said....
I've seen this before — stick a microphone in a policeman's face after a fentanyl bust, and they'll claim they've prevented thousands of imaginary deaths.
There was one report after a raid some months back where a cop said they'd prevented half a million deaths.
It's all bullshit, like the War on Drugs hysteria always is.
Thanks for the laughs, Officer Andy.
Ah just like how when I salt my French fries I'm preventing the chorine in the salt from being released and recombined into chlorine gas thus saving the world from chemical weapons.
angle cut to the big bad. The music skips a beat 3 times. Dramatic shot with a sharp outline of the bigbad's face. Speaks maniacally
Yesss It'S ALL coMing to pLaN. It was GENius to front as a fast food business to hide my chlorine gas lab! With this last serving of salt, my work will be complete!!!
Shop door opens, the electric bell rings. Sudden cut to the back room of a McDonald's, with the hamburglar crouched over a chemistry set. One packet of unopened salt sits on the table. Hamburglar stands and walks to the front, looking at the customer.
Ronald McDonald: hi! One order fries please, extra salty!
Camera cuts behind Ronald at a heroic angle. Ronald turns to face the camera. Gives thumbs up while speaking
It's all in a day's work to stop the Hamburglar's evil plot! You can be a hero like me by ordering our delicious salty food!
Flash cut to events that have been recalled a thousand times before. The music swells with the dramatic hero theme. The camera cuts to Ronald shedding a tear. Camera cuts to Ronald approaching the counter.
It's all comes down to this. All this training, all this struggle. Finally. It means it's not for nothing!
Music swells again. Cut to more repeatable scenes. Monologue to fade out. The outro begins playing. 'To be continued' appears on screen. End credits
... I'm good with cops taking fentanyl off the streets thanks lol.
Reminder that Narcan is now available over the counter. If you have insurance they'll normally cover it for free. Most counties have free doses you can get somewhere.
Fentanyl, like all drugs, should be legal and highly regulated. Fentanyl is perfectly safe when taken in controlled conditions. In hospitals it's used safely thousands of times every single day.
Drugs will always be a serious problem, until we adopt the obvious solution that's worked with alcohol and is working with marijuana in America's saner states: End prohibition, and instead legalize, tax, and regulate drugs for safety.
If America's decrepit leadership had compassion and any sense of right and wrong, there'd also be free drug counseling and rehab, and safe use spaces, and drug education wouldn't be riddled with lies, like "16,500 fatal doses of pure fentanyl in that small bag."
The difference being legal and highly regulated with correct avenues to acquire it.
Not from my cousin mixing too much of it in with his stepped on heroin. That way Becky and Nate don't end up OD'ing because the person cutting it didn't bother to use a mixing machine, they hit a hot spot, now she wakes up next to her dead friend 3 hours later.
Drugs are great. Drugs are even better when you get exactly what you purchase.
This wasn't some dude with 1,000 fent patches stolen from a hospital lmfao.
Don't fuck around with alcohol, meth, or opiates people.
This is a very good news and we are all very happy about it ...but unfortunately this community is dedicated to some sad news and tragedies 😆 ! So don't be offended when (and if) it will be deleted because it will live happily in the "news" Community instead.
Whoops, I read the post and you make a 180° (from the title) that's a bit confusing...