I saw another post asking how to set up Soulseek and, at first glance, it looks like those old P2P file sharing platforms, like eMule, Kazaa or Limewire.
As someone who used those during their peak, I'm well aware of the risks of getting unwanted stuff, not to mention that you're fully exposed within the network.
Does Soulseek deal with those issues, or are users exposed to those risks as well?
Soul seek is a godsend! There isn’t a stronger music community out there. At least one that can be accessed publicly. I have been using it for over 20 years and never had a problem with bunk files or copyright claims. It seems like ss has been operating under the radar all this time. It started out as an electronic music community, but you find nearly anything now. There is a good Linux app as well called nicotine. I think it works better than the windows version.
It's crazy how many people put all their shares as private though. It's changed alot. That said I just ask if I can downlaod the files and they 90% of the time oblige.
It should be, because it is on the FMHY megathread, and it's fairly reputable.
Edit: I didn't real the question fully, but I presume that it should be safe if you are cautious as normal. Of course you will be exposed to malware, but it probably will require you to download it before it works.
I would recommend using a modern, open-source client like Nicotine+. Keep in mind the risks of exposing such a service to the internet (like anti-piracy organizations coming after you in some countries). Don't download executables. Make sure your media players are up-to-date.
Soulseek is in my opinion a good place to find music that's hard to find elsewhere. I use it almost daily.
As someone who used those during their peak, I’m well aware of the risks of getting unwanted stuff, not to mention that you’re fully exposed within the network.
I have been using it behind a vpn and so far never had a problem. I have never had so many "thank you" from any other old school p2p software
While you avoid risky files, like .exe/.cmd/.bat/.vbs etc, you should be safe, in the past Soulseek was known as music source, now it's used also for some other stuff like softwares, books, movies & tv shows.
I don't like it. Most of the time slow downloads, downloads queued infinitely, files are private, or just not available at all in flac (getting mp3 this way is just waste of time)