“Walkin’ on the Sun” and “All Star” vocalist announced his retirement in 2021
"Walkin' on the Sun" and "All Star" vocalist announced his retirement in 2021
STEVE HARWELL, WHO cofounded the band Smash Mouth in 1994, has died at the age of 56, band manager Robert Hayes confirmed. The musician, best known for hits like “All Star” and “I’m a Believer,” died at his home in Boise, ID “surrounded by family and friends.”
Harwell had been in hospice care following medical complications. The cause of death was liver failure, Hayes told Rolling Stone.
Hayes said Harwell “passed peacefully and comfortably.” In a statement to Rolling Stone, he offered a lengthy tribute to the artist, who was a staple of ’90s rock music and saw success with multiple albums and singles.
And they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they
I don’t see many compliments about Steve like the outpouring of love for people like Paul Reubens when they die, so I just wanted to share some nice words about him.
My sister saw Smash Mouth and 3rd Eye Blind together in 1997 and Steve called out to the crowd “FUCK MARILYN MANSON.” I was taken aback at the time but realized he was basically calling out the focus on darkness, anger, self harm, violence etc in Marilyn’s music and the effect on the world (especially youth), vs positivity, togetherness. The music he’s put out seems to have embodies this.
You don’t read a lot about his personal life or cutesy fan interaction ala Bill Murray or Keanu…but by all accounts he is a kind and humble guy. He seems to have struggled a lot with alcohol and mental health but loved to party and have a good time.
I hope more people speak about with good things to say about him. I have a feeling he was a great guy we didn’t know very well.
He lost me when I saw him in a video trashed while singing and throwing up Nazi salutes and insulting the crowd. You can blame the alcohol all you want, but Nazi salutes are a line you don't cross. So I dunno what happened to all his positivity, but it's been long gone.
Did you watch the video or read the transcript? He’s telling people he’s going to kill then. More and more agitated, just flailing at anything. Flipping off the crowd. Completely out of his mind. Not saying doing a nazi salute is ok but this guy isn’t a nazi. It’s super sad. It sucks if that’s all he will be remembered for.
I had the Astro Lounge CD day of release and remember playing the whole album on repeat playing Ape Escape the summer of 99 as a 14yo. 24 years later and I wish I could inject that feeling into my veins somehow for even just 5 minutes. Maybe I should try meth? /s
Same. They kept it extremely quiet. The band is now touring with a new vocalist and honestly the new song they put out is alright. Nothing earthshattering but it's an alright song.
This is egg salad. It's loaded with cholesterol, the wife won't even let me touch it. It hardly seems to matter now 'cause, chances are, we're already dead. Amazing is gone, there's no use waiting for the cavalry, because as of this moment, the cavalry is us! So what do you say? Do we all gather together, and go kick some Casanova butt? Or do I eat this sandwich?
It's the same thing with Jimmy Buffet ... between Buffet and Smash Mouth, they didn't produce the most intellectual and insightful music. I never liked Margheritaville and I was partial to the pop hits that Smash Mouth came out with.
But the thing about big popular acts like these guys is that they are markers in our lives. Like them or hate them the fact that they were part of our lives is what's made the impression. The fact that when they die, it's like having a neighbor you knew die a few doors down from you. It makes you feel bad and it's a subtle reminder that you are in line in this short experience we call life.
RIP. He wasn't all there towards the end, what with the drinking and the Nazi stuff and the COVID denial/antivax stuff, but Smash Mouth had such a big impact on the world.
Depends on location and generation, perhaps. They were the soundtrack to my summers in the late 90s/early 00s in Southern California, always on the radio. I didn't know he'd gone off the deep end - sad.
Smash mouth were not one-hit wonders. "Walking' on the sun", "Then the morning comes", "I'm a believer" (ok that's technically also a Shrek song), and "Can't get enough of you baby" were also Top 40 hits.
I had a friend pass away from sudden liver failure about 5 or 6 years ago. I had dinner with him on Monday, saw a Facebook post on Friday that he went into the hospital on Wednesday and was dead before I saw the post.
I'm probably one of the few who have listened to their re-releases, and wished they'd made more music. I loved their music, I still do, it's stupid poppy funny. Sister psychic gets in my head every time Google fucks up their weather prediction.
There's the hook, here's the riff
I wish I lived in a world where he got to watch his kid grow up. I can't imagine the pain he was living in.