There is no English on that sign. Did you get a Covid vaccine, by any chance? Maybe your translation chip is starting to work. It's powered by a motor like you get in battery-less wrist watches so you have to jump up and down a lot to get it to turn on.
There is a bizarre editorial introduction, which reads:
While Stalin’s secret police had set up a special department to analyse Mao Tse Tung’s faeces in order to construct his psychological portrait, the CIA was trying hard to get inside his mind.
If this is true, you don't want to be following the CCCP plan!
Still, the full text of Mao's plan seems to be in the article. I'm unsure if it's untampered.
They led that article with the most interesting part but then never followed up on it. How did Stalin get Mao's poo and how did he do psychology on it?!?!?
Also Mao's workout routine seems like a strict downgrade to just playing Ring Fit Adventure. Or like, the group stretching in Animal Crossing. Seriously, hitting yourself over and over? Just tell me to kms next time Mao sheesh